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October Is National Fire Prevention Month



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October Is National Fire Prevention Month

October is National Fire Prevention Month, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

“Residents can benefit from checking their homes for fire hazards and making sure everyone knows what to do in the event a fire occurs,” according to State Fire Administrator Jeffrey Morrissette. This year, the state observed National Fire Prevention Week October 5–11.

The state offers some basic tips for its residents’ fire safety.

When cooking, stay in the kitchen when grilling or broiling food. Maintain a “Kid-Free Zone” in the kitchen, keeping children at least three feet away from the stove.

 Heating equipment and chimneys should be inspected and cleaned annually by professionals. When alternative heating sources are installed, residents should check with their local building official or fire marshal.

Smokers should use sturdy, deep ashtrays that will not tip over. Smoking materials should be extinguished completely.

Flammable objects should be kept away from light bulbs, lighting fixtures, and lamps.

Limit the use of electrical extension cords; do not overload electrical outlets. 

Use flashlights during emergencies, not candles. If candles are used, blow them out when leaving a room and keep them away from flammable objects.

Check that smoke detectors are in working order.

Review and practice a home escape plan to be used in the event of a fire. In that plan, include the place where family members will meet after a fire.

For details on fire prevention, consult the Internet website www.nfpa.org or www.usfa.dhs.gov.

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