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Stephanie Nicole Licht to Scott Hatherley



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Stephanie Nicole Licht to Scott Hatherley

Peter and Susan Licht of Newtown announce the engagement of their daughter, Stephanie Nicole Licht, to Scott Hatherley, son of Jim and Reene Hatherley of Westborough, Mass.

The future bride attended Newtown schools, and is a 1992 graduate of Newtown High School. She obtained her bachelor of arts in psychology from Lafayette College in 1996, and earned a master of science in physical therapy from the University of Miami School of Medicine in 1999. She is a physical therapist at Sports and Physical Therapy Associates in Wellesley, Mass.

The future bridegroom graduated from Cornell University in 1997 with a bachelor of arts in biochemistry. He earned a master of science degree in biochemistry from the University of Massachusetts School of Medicine in 1999. He is employed as a consultant by the Equinox Group in Lexington, Mass.

A September 2004 wedding is planned.

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