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Hawley Indoor Movie Night Draws Crowd For 'Willy Wonka'



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Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory was shown on a screen in Hawley Elementary School’s gymnasium on Friday, September 25, for the school’s Indoor Movie Night.

Roughly 200 people signed up to attend the event, according to PTA President Kristen Bonacci. The evening featured the 1971 film starring Gene Wilder.

Just before the movie began, people were spread out in the gymnasium on blankets with dinner and snacks.

Bonnie Litke, Erin Arcario, Anna Wight, Lorri Colonel, and Susan Burbank organized the PTA event.

The movie night began at 5:30 pm, and the screening started at 6:30 pm after a costume contest was held. Games were also offered throughout the gymnasium, and snacks and beverages were sold at a table outside the gym.

Popcorn and “Wonka Bars,” created by PTA members, were sold. Instead of the infamous “golden tickets” from the movie, PTA members hid a few homework passes in the chocolate bar wrappers.

The Boughan family won the honor of sofa seating through a raffle during Hawley Elementary School’s Indoor Movie Night on September 25.
Macey Arcario was dressed as an Oompa Loompa for Hawley's screening of Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.
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