Confused By Voting Rules
To the Editor:
I was waiting until the referendum on accepting the money from the state to replace Sandy Hook School was over so it would not cloud the debate. One question I had before the referendum, one arose out of the mechanics of voting.
Several times I heard it said, and saw it written in The Bee, that accepting this money would not cost us (the taxpayers of Newtown) anything. I spoke to a moderator. I asked if the cost of the election was being charged to the bonded money. I was told they could not answer that question as the conduct of elections was “confidential” and could not be discussed.
So apparently we have secret election procedures that cannot be revealed
There also seem to be different voter rules for Republican and Democrat voters in Connecticut..
When I went in to vote they asked me for photo ID. I said I thought that was discriminatory and you could not require it. I was told that to vote in Newtown you need to show a photo ID. I said aren't you were supposed to give me a provisional ballot. I was told “We do not do that in Newtown.”
So we have secret election procedures that cannot be revealed, and one set of rules for Republicans and one for Democrats. I said if I was a Democrat voting for President Obama or Governor Malloy in Bridgeport not only do you not need an ID but photo copied ballots are OK!
Why is it discriminatory for Texas and South Carolina to require photo ID but not for Newtown ?
Obviously I cannot get the answer to these questions, maybe you or Mr Voket who reports well on local issues can get the answers.
I guess come November when we vote for first selectperson I will write in Robert Mugabe or Vladimir Putin and just skip the middleman!
Charles L. Shaw
5 Sturges Road, Newtown October 9, 2013