To the Editor:
To the Editor:
When you go to the polls in a few weeks you will have a number of choices to make which will continue to impact our community for the next two years. I urge you to select individuals who have proven that they are now, and have been for many years, committed to being a part of the solutions here in Newtown, not a part of the problems.
One such individual is Joe Hemingway, running for selectman on the Democratic ticket, along with Gary Fetzer for first selectman. I have known Joe now for over 20 years and have seen the enthusiasm and desire he puts into whatever he does for this town. Those here in the Second District of Sandy Hook have witnessed it as well. Anyone who has ever had children in the Newtown schools has seen how Joe has performed.
My first experience with Joe was many years ago when Sandy Hook School had a problem and needed a new playground. Joe and hundreds of other volunteers raised the money and built this playground in record time. The middle school needed an interior paint job and again Joe stepped up to the plate and organized people and got it done. Joe was also very involved with our Blue and Gold Booster Club in raising money and assisting in the work to get the lights and concession stand/press box /restrooms completed; again at no cost to the taxpayers of Newtown, thanks to generous contributions from not only those living here in Newtown, but all over the area.
I have read every week now for years, all the letters in the paper from individuals who insist on criticizing those who have devoted themselves to helping in town by serving on boards and commissions, serving in elected offices and getting involved and yet when it comes time to walk the walk instead of talking the talk, many of those same individuals are noticeably absent. Joe Hemingway has been serving our community for over 20 years. Here is just a partial list;
PTA Council president, Support Our Schools; president, Economic Development Commission â two terms, Charter Revision Commission twice, Sandy Hook Playground Committee, Legislative Council District 2, Group Work Camp and Rotary International, Shady Rest Association Board member and president, Parks and Recreation girlsâ basketball coach.
Remember when it comes time to cast your ballot, please elect a solutions and performance guy like Joe Hemingway who does more then talk the talk and simply criticize others.
Mike Kelley
21 Bridge End Farm Lane, Sandy Hook                October 7, 2009