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Fiscal Responsibility Or Tax And Spend?



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Fiscal Responsibility Or Tax And Spend?

To the Editor:

One of the reasons we believe it’s “Nicer in Newtown” is the continued dedication of many Republican volunteers working to ensure our solid fiscal standing, despite what IPN would have us believe. Last week we took a look at the first tenet of IPN’s “Declaration of Independents.” This week let’s look at the second:

The second tenet is “True Fiscal Responsibility.” IPN’s focus is to “encourage tax stability, lessen the reliance on property taxes, communicate how tax dollars are being spent and change the method of prioritizing capital projects by inserting the council at the beginning of the process.” Once again... who wouldn’t want tax stability? But the reality of these issues in Newtown is quite clear. One mill of tax revenue is almost $4 million.

Did you know that we would need to build more than 20 Sand Hill Plazas to produce one mill in taxes?

Republicans are all for tax relief, but we need to be very careful what we wish for and its effects on our quality of life. We believe Newtown is a wonderful place. After all, that’s why we all live here. However, we need to be careful how we plan for commercial development to help offset property taxes. Capital projects need to be managed on a townwide basis starting with the qualified town employee, from the bottom up, not with a politician.

Did you know the IPN has tried to insert themselves at the beginning of this process?

The town has a great resource in its accomplished employees: the people on the ground level. Republicans want to capitalize on this resource and empower them to help plan for Newtown’s future. That’s exactly what happens now through the town’s capital improvement process. Ask yourself, who knows how to run a police force better? …the police chief or a Legislative Council member? Sure it can be improved, and Republicans want to continue to improve upon the process we’ve authored and put in place.

Prudent fiscal responsibility dictates establishing and protecting a reserve account for exigent circumstances. The Board of Finance and majority of the Legislative Council supported not using this reserve account during the last budget cycle.

Did you know Newtown has received two ratings upgrades and multiple positive reports from the municipal ratings agency, Moody’s, in the last eight years saving the town millions?

Did you know current town planning and its “strong fiscal management,” as noted in many recent Moody’s reports, has provided for over 95 percent of all capital projects requested, in the time frame requested, and in the priority requested?

Did you know that Moody’s specifically mentioned using the town’s reserves to fund operations is a detrimental idea and was the reason for downgrades in neighboring towns?

Did you know an IPN member, in Legislative Council budget deliberations, moved to take money from surplus and spend it?

What do Republicans think?

The Republican mantra is fiscal responsibility. Republican leadership has established guidelines and best practices to ensure financial stability for the town and its taxpayers. Which would you prefer…, fiscal responsibility or tax and spend?

Andrew Willie

Issues Committee

Republican Town Committee

Butterfield Road, Newtown                                October 6, 2009

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