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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Tyler David Jones (October 5, 1992–September 18, 2009)



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October 5, 1992–September 18, 2009

You would turn thirty two this year – hard to believe

Your loss still brings many tears, indeed


You were brought into this world on October 5th, 1992

30 seconds after your twin brother

and left so quickly, without warning

on a bright blue sky fall day, like no other


You lived without words for almost 17 years

But were full of smiles and precious moments, so dear


The world and your family gets older and older

but you remain forever 16

Now we can only dream about the things

you could have seen


Our hearts ache for you child, so dear

you brought such joy into our lives

the short time you were here


The moon will rise, the sun will set

But we will never, never forget


Our love for you is known

Your memory is in our hearts forever, our own


We love and miss you dear Tyler

Mom, Dad, Lindsey and Austin

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