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Disregarding Desires Of The Neighborhood Population



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To the Editor:

My husband and I and several neighbors attended the P&Z meeting on October 3rd to speak in opposition of the proposed gas station at 13 Hawleyville Road. We were not there long, however. Apparently, the company looking to build the gas station “forgot” to file some paperwork prior to this meeting and were unable to make their presentation.

Let’s be clear. None of us believe that this company “forgot” to file this paperwork. I’m sure they know there is opposition and want to wear us down in the hopes that we won’t keep attending meetings. Well, we’ll be there. This behavior is infuriating and insulting. I feel there is blatant disregard for this neighborhood and the people that live here.

This area needs another gas station like I need a hole in my head. There will be a gas station 1/4 mile north of this location that P&Z approved earlier this year. There is one two miles up Route 6 across from the Bethel Big Y. This little corner at Covered Bridge and Route 25 is not equipped to handle this type of traffic. It’s bad enough that there is a large church and 200-plus apartments currently being constructed that use Covered Bridge as their only source of entering and exiting — along with our small neighborhood of six houses. When there is an accident that causes an explosion at that gas station, there will be no way for anyone in this neighborhood, or emergency vehicles, to get in or out. There needs to be another way out. Years ago, they opened up the south end of Covered Bridge onto Route 25 when construction was being done on a bridge and the main entrance was closed. A couple of years ago, a deadly car accident blocked the road, and we had to park at Hot Shots and walk down. We are also concerned what effect this gas station and the two large underground tanks will have on our water supply and wells.

What is happening in this town? I just heard that the sidewalk that is being constructed along Route 25 is so people can walk to Fairfield Hills. I don’t know if this is true or not, but I find it hard to believe that people are going to do that. This is the town where at a P&Z meeting a couple of years ago, I heard it argued that we need drive-thrus so people don’t have to get out of their cars and walk across a parking lot to get coffee. But these same people are going to flock to Fairfield Hills on this sidewalk. Doesn’t seem like the best use of taxpayers money.

I guess we’ll just wait for the next meeting. We’ll show up and voice our concerns, as we have done for the past five years regarding the terrible development in this area. Do I think it will be listened to or do any good? Judging by what is happening here, probably not.

Thank you.

Janet McKeown

10 Hillcrest Drive, Newtown October 7, 2019

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