A Need For More Politicians Like Bolinsky
To the Editor:
We need more politicians like Mitch Bolinsky in office. Mitch is running again as State Representative for Newtown.
Last February, our daughter and other survivors of an Amniotic Fluid Embolism during the birth of their children were trying to get a bill passed in Connecticut to help educate medical professionals about the best treatments for this often-fatal affliction and also have hospitals report near-death experiences during deliveries. Our daughter asked that I write to legislators, looking for support.
The only one that actually responded was Mitch.
He not only responded, but took the time to speak us about how a law is passed. He helped us prepare our testimony and arranged for our daughter and my husband to speak at a public hearing of the Health Committee. On hearing day, Mitch took time from his busy day to welcome all of us, including my 2-year-old granddaughter. He offered his office for feeding or changes.
Mitch introduced us to committee members and the chairman, having spoken to several beforehand to break the ice. Our bill passed unanimously. When we wanted the public to know about Amniotic Fluid Embolism, Mitch arranged interviews and a press release. What an experience we had that day! Afterward, he kept us posted as our bill passed the Senate, the House, and was signed by the governor.
Mitch showed me a politician can really be there for the people he represents! He cared, went out of his way for us, and made our bill a law.
We think Mitch has done a wonderful job of keeping all of Newtown informed about what is going on in the town and the state using newsletters and social media.
In November, Newtown doesn’t need another legislator in office. We Need Mitch!
Everyone get out and vote!
Joan Bonacci
7 Fox Run Lane, Newtown October 8, 2018