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Newtown, CT, USA

Revamped NHS Club Will Milk 'The Land Of Nice'



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Revamped NHS Club Will Milk ‘The Land Of Nice’

By Sarah Walton

Sophomore Rachel DiVanno, guidance counselor Brett Nichols, and Director of Guidance Cathy Ostar are the “Cookie Masters,” or advisors, of the new Milk and Cookies club at Newtown High School. When thinking of what to put on a poster for the club, Ms Ostar described it as “the land of nice.”

“It was kind of serendipitous,” said Rachel on the making of the club. “First, I wanted to be part of SOS, which is a club to help new students. Then SOS became the Milk and Cookies Club. I happened to be talking to Ms Ostar at the right time.”

According to Ms Ostar, an admissions representative from George Washington University gave her the idea when they spoke about activities at the school.

“It was a ‘That’s it!’ moment,” Ms Ostar said. “Rachel was helping me make posters for SOS for the club fair, and I called her.”

Ms Ostar said she became the advisor of the SOS club two years ago, and found it was difficult to attract students. The Milk and Cookies Club was created in its place and was introduced at the NHS Club Fair on Friday, September 14.

“I received two pages of e-mails about the club!”  said Ms Ostar.

“Milk and Cookies is really unique, because attendance is not strict,” sad Rachel. “So you could say we have about 1,600-plus members.”

The Milk and Cookies Club held its first meeting October 1, and will meet every Friday after school. The club creates an environment where students can relax, eat cookies, make new friends and even “sweeten” teacher-student relationships, according to Rachel.

“Canned foods or nonperishable items can be brought instead of cookies,” added Ms Ostar. “These will be donated to a local food pantry. It’s all about being nice.”

Rachel said the first meeting was a success, and a list of activities was made for future meetings. She hopes to remain a club advisor for her next two years of high school.

Ms Ostar said she hopes the club will provide an opportunity for kids to hang out in a nice, friendly environment.

“What a great way to end the week,” she said.

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