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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA

IPN Endorses Lyddy Despite State Independents Support For Opponent



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IPN Endorses Lyddy Despite State Independents Support For Opponent

By John Voket

The Independent Party of Newtown (IPN) has taken a position in direct contrast to the Connecticut State Independent Party by supporting 106th District incumbent Democrat Chris Lyddy in his bid for a second term. It was previously announced, on September 22, that the state Independent Party endorsed George Ferguson, a Newtown councilman and Rep Lyddy’s Republican opponent.

Mr Ferguson told The Bee that he has received the endorsement of the state’s Independent Party, and as a result, he will appear as a candidate on both the GOP and Independent ballot lines.

According to IPN Chairman Bruce Walczak, Rep Lyddy’s responsiveness to “issues of local concern involving Housatonic Railroad and United Water” played a role in the IPN endorsement.

“His performance as our state representative the past two years, his relationship with town leaders from all parties, and his contacts made in Hartford are assets which Newtown needs, especially in these difficult times,” Mr Walczak said in a release October 6. “Newtown needs to take advantage of Chris’s experience in Hartford to advocate for Newtown and to insure that Newtown continues to receive its fair share of revenue sharing.”

Mr Walczak also said the IPN “appreciates Chris’s strong advocacy for children’s needs and education, areas for which the IPN has also had strong advocacy.”

Reached following the IPN announcement, Rep Lyddy said, “I appreciate IPN taking the time to meet with me and my opponent.

“Their support reinforces that I am able to reach across party lines, bring people together, and work in the best interest of Newtown residents,” he continued. “I welcome their support as well as the support of Newtown residents from all political parties.”

The IPN release states its representatives met with Mr Ferguson and Rep Lyddy on September 30 to discuss their positions and views on a variety of issues and topics. Each candidate met with a group of IPN members for approximately one hour.

Mr Walczak said both candidates were “given kudos by those present for their approach, openness and willingness to reach across the aisle. Both candidates had their individual strengths and would serve Newtown well.”

“George Ferguson made a very favorable impression,” said Mr Walczak. “George has distinguished himself as one of the Republicans on the Legislative Council who is open minded. He is willing to listen to different points of view, to question the status quo, and to take new approaches to issues when warranted.”

The IPN chairman said his local colleagues believe Mr Ferguson would show these same traits as a state representative, however, Rep Lyddy “has done an outstanding job as our current state representative.”

“His effective performance, his positions on critical issues and his enthusiasm for continuing to represent Newtown were decisive factors in our decision,” the release states.

The Independent Party of Newtown is recognized by the Secretary of State as a local municipal political party. But whether or not the IPN is recognized as an official town committee of the state Independent Party has been a lingering question.

A state Independent Party spokesperson, Dr George Fand, previously told The Newtown Bee that the IPN does not represent the core philosophies of the state party, while another state Independent representative, Mike Telesca, previously confirmed that the IPN never received the required endorsement to become an official Independent Party town committee.

And as recently as three weeks ago, Mr Walczak said based on an apparent split between two factions of state Independents, one led by Dr Fand and the other by Mr Telesca, “It’s even vague as to whether the state Independents have endorsed the IPN as a local town committee.”

In his latest release, Mr Walczak promotes the IPN as “a separate and distinct political entity from the statewide Independent Party.”

“In order for the IPN to maintain its municipal party status, it cannot formally endorse a candidate for state office and place that candidate on the November ballot,” Mr Walczak wrote, adding the IPN was never contacted by Dr Fand and his endorsement of Mr Ferguson played no role in this endorsement.

Mr. Walczak said the IPN did not intend at this time to officially cast its support behind any other candidates for state elected office.

“Although Chris Lyddy’s name will only be found on the November ballot under the Democratic line, the Independent Party of Newtown, Newtown’s only local Independent Party, strongly supports returning Chris Lyddy to Hartford for a job well done and for what he will certainly accomplish in the future,” said Mr Walczak.

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