The Importance Of Individual Substance In A Candidate
To the Editor:
An election should not be a popularity contest. Candidates should be vetted based on their substantive positions and ideas pertaining to the seats for which they are running. However, the recent reality is that elections have become more about herd mentality than individual substance. I’m voting for candidates who can articulate concrete ideas rather than those who spit out vague, canned sound bites that sound pretty but offer nothing substantive.
One such candidate is Ned Simpson who is running for the Board of Finance. Ned is an independent thinker who has worked hard from day one to be a valuable public servant to Newtown. I have worked with Ned on the Board of Finance for over two years and have seen firsthand the diligence and hard work that goes into every decision he makes. Rather than rubber stamping decisions that come his way, Ned digs deep to understand historical facts and offers insight based on his experience. A key example of how Ned has served Newtown well is his formation of the Town Building Inventory and Planning Committee. How does Newtown benefit from this endeavor? It prioritizes needed capital improvement projects and overdue repairs across all town-owned buildings. Ned’s thinking has not always been appreciated in the past by those who disagree with him; however, one indisputable point is that Ned does not pander to anyone. This is what I value most about him. If you are fed up with recent politics — local or otherwise — then Ned is a candidate worthy of your consideration and vote.
Local elections matter and we need to place people who are qualified to serve the needs of the town. Ned is one such person and I wholeheartedly endorse him.
(I write this in my personal capacity and not as a member of the BOF.)
Sandy Roussas