Grateful For Help That Made Nature Center Enjoyable Again
To the Editor:
I would like to take this moment to thank the various people and groups who helped make the Newtown Lions Club’s Orchard Hill Nature Center clean up so successful. We are greatly indebted to Lauri Lenahan of the Lenahan Land Clearing & Grinding who provided us with first-rate mulch, which we spread on the main trail. We also want to thank Jeff Dymers of Dunkin’ Donuts who enriched us with good coffee and donuts to start the day.
Eight members of the Lions Club, two friends and Jill Gonski, high school advisor of the Leo Club, as well as several Leos are also to be thanked. By the end of the day our group had done many things. The various trails were re-marked and any trash picked up. Invasive plants were removed and Russian olive shrubs and trees were cut down. Weeds obscuring the handsome stone wall on the main trail were eliminated.
So, all in all, a lot was accomplished by these good people. Now, Newtowners, get out and enjoy it!
Gordon Williams