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American Legion Clothing Drive Will Help Others



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To the Editor:

American Legion Post 202 is having our annual clothing fund drive Saturday, October 16, at the Big Brothers, Big Sisters/Helpsy Donation Center, at 127 South Main Street in Newtown.

This clothing drive helps us support local events right here in Newtown. A few of those events include Veterans Day, Constitutional Quill at Newtown High School, as well as helping veterans in need.

If you have any used clothing, shoes, blankets (soft, good condition), please consider dropping them off between 9 am and noon that morning.

If you can’t make that time they will accept donations during normal business hours. Please make sure to let them know your donations are for American Legion Post 202 in Newtown.

Thank you for helping us help others.

Jay Mattegat

American Legion Post 202


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