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Letters of Endorsement



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Letters of Endorsement

To the Editor:

This letter is in strong support of Jim Gaston for Board of Selectmen.

I have known and worked with Jim for nearly 20 years. As a member of the Board of Burgesses, I have seen him, time after time, confront complex issues. He listens, researches, and through reason and respect of others has traditionally brought problems to a resolve. Jim worked diligently in establishing and passing the Historic District, in saving the historic sugar maple tree line, and in stopping the State Housatonic Valley Regional Authority from taking private property at the General Store, Chase Building, Trinity Church, Meeting House, Dana-Holcombe House, and the corner property previously owned by the Didiers.

Of recent, he has spent hundreds of hours fighting United Water from damaging the Pootatuck, and piping water to Greenridge by way of Main Street pipelines. This would have resulted in an unsightly electrical box in front of Town Hall South, and permanent zebra stripe cut-lines running perpendicularly down Main Street. The decision from the State Department of Public Utilities is due shortly. The parties are optimistic of a favorable result. Should we win this battle, it will save Newtown United Water customers from rate increases, which would be earmarked to fund Greenridge. Additionally, as warden of the borough, Jim has accomplished reducing the borough tax mill rate to record lows, by starting from a base zero analysis and going forward from there.

 Jim Gaston listens to facts without making prejudgments. He says what he means, and does not tell you what you want to hear. Jim is direct and to the point, while remaining a gentleman. He holds strong to what he believes in, and fights hard to come to a reasonable resolve. Jim will not allow himself to be misquoted, nor misrepresented. Jim is a true leader, and is well respected in our community.

As a Republican, I believe in fiscal responsibility and conservative values. Jim’s a registered Democrat; however, at the local level he is no Democrat, and he is no Republican… he is a community-spirited Newtowner, who has worked extremely hard for what he believes is right. Yes, Jim has been a major contributor to making things “nicer in Newtown.”

Jim has been a member of the Board of Finance for the past ten years. He’s a friend to education and an advocate for frugal government. He’s also a friend of sports and of the arts. Jim is an exemplary family man, and a true leader.

With no reservation I support Jim Gaston for selectman. This year, it couldn’t be more important.

Very truly yours,

Betsy S. Kenyon

62 Main Street, Newtown                                       September 3, 2011

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