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Pick Up And Cast Your Absentee Ballot Now



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Any person eligible to vote in the Municipal Election to be held on Tuesday, November 7, who is unable to appear in person for one or more of the reasons set forth below in Connecticut General Statutes Section 9-135, may cast their vote by submitting an absentee ballot application by either applying in person, dropping off application in the official ballot drop boxes located outside each entrance to the Municipal building, going to the online portal hosted by the Secretary of the State, or by mailing to Town Clerk, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown CT 06470.

Reasons justifying absentee balloting are:

*Active service in the Armed Forces of the United States;

*Absence from my town of residence;


*Religious tenets that forbid secular activity on the day of the election, primary or referendum;

*Fulfilling duties as a primary, election or referendum official at a polling place other than my own during all of the hours of voting; or

*Physical disability.

Local absentee ballot information can be found on the Town Clerk’s webpage at newtown-ct.gov/town-clerk or by calling the office at 203-270-4210.

The Town Clerk’s office will also be available for special absentee voting hours on Saturday, November 4, from 9 am to noon. The office is within Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street.

Registered Newtown voters are voting this year for First Selectman, and members of Legislative Council, Board of Assessment Appeals, Board of Education, Board of Finance, Board of Selectmen, Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers, Planning & Zoning Commission, Police Commission, and Zoning Board of Appeals.

Any person eligible to vote in the Municipal Election to be held on Tuesday, November 7, who is unable to appear in person may cast their vote by submitting an absentee ballot application.
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