Civility, Not Chivalry, Called For
To the Editor:
Bee [letters to the editor] have a never-ending controversy over whether we are nice or kind. Both stem from bumper stickers or ad campaigns. What kind of place needs bumper stickers telling people to be kind or that their town is nicer? I don’t know. It addresses busy people with a short attention span.
My award for not-niceness goes to The Bee. On Sept. 23, 2020 you published a letter from Geraldine Carley who described Mitch Bolinsky calling Rebekah Harriman-Stites ‘a pretty face and promises.’ Did he really say that? [See September 25, 2020 Newtown Bee article: “Following Apology, Harriman-Stites Call out ‘Sexist, Misogynistic’ Post.”] If so, that tells us more about him than it does about Harriman-Stites. Rudeness has become more widespread in politics. Commenting on a candidate’s physicality is rude and baseless and shows that Bolinsky does not think women are his equals. Do we need more leaders like that?
Ms Carley’s critique of Bolinsky’s insulting “misogynistic” (which means woman-hating) comment was given the equally dismissive headline: “Chivalry Is Dead.” It is unprincipled, dismissive, “misogynistic,” and sexist to demean a woman’s competence or worthiness by calling her “a pretty face.” The Bee is wrong to say that a call for civility is “Chivalry.” Chivalry is the code of conduct for a medieval knight — perhaps putting women on a pedestal. That is not the same thing as fairness or mutual respect.
Does The Bee feel that women want to be rescued by knights in shining armor? Perhaps both Bolinsky and The Bee are living in medieval times. It does feel like the dark ages, lately.
Nancy Cullen
10 Orchard Hill Road, Newtown October 5, 2020
Editor’s Note: The Newtown Bee does not vouch for the accuracy of any of the assertions made in letters to the editor, and opinions expressed in letters are those of the writer and do not reflect the position of The Newtown Bee.