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Business Founder Completes Kripalu Certification



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Business Founder Completes Kripalu Certification

Kathleen Barton, co-creator of The Graceful Planet in Sandy Hook, completed her YogaEd teaching certification this summer at the Kripalu Yoga Center in Lenox, Mass. YogaEd is an educational program that combines a science-based exploration of the body, mind, and self with the exercise system of yoga to support and enhance learning, health, and personal responsibility.

YogaEd serves to help children be learning ready, physically fit, aware of self and others, and confident. Through the practice of yoga, students will learn how to move gracefully, breathe smoothly and deeply, and sustain their focus and concentration, developing strength, flexibility, balance, mental clarity, and emotional stability.

The YogaEd curriculum is also available as “Yoga Tools For Teachers,” a workshop designed for teachers to use in the classroom. YogaEd classes will be held at The Graceful Planet, 7 Berkshire Road. Call 426-8215 for details.

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