Candidates, Articulate Your Positions On DEI Initiatives
To the Editor:
The values of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) do not have a political affiliation, and for that reason, neither does Newtown Allies for Change (NAFC). DEI are core values in any democracy. Everyone in our town can take part in fostering a culture of inclusivity for all. The task is greater for elected officials. In the past few years, we have seen an increase in diversity in our town yet many of us still feel unwelcome.
When those in elected positions choose to follow the polarized political narratives, they alienate many of their constituents. Hence, it is essential that DEI spans through all political ideologies. As we go into the 2023 election, we invite all Newtown political candidates to meet with NAFC to discuss their views on how Newtown can become a more inclusive and safer place for those belonging to minority groups.
We encourage candidates to speak publicly about their stance on DEI initiatives in Newtown. Conversations on race are never easy but we cannot allow fear to deter us from building a more inclusive town where everyone feels safe, respected, seen and heard.
We also invite you, the community, to vote on November 7th. To reach out to us please e-mail
Kate McGrady Nicole Maddox Don Lococo Nerlande Foote Laura Main Jessica Velasco
The ‘silent majority’ speaks loudly at election time – they stay home. This allows the ‘loud minority’ to pretty much get their way. This is a national calamity.
Forgive me if I believe think the same individuals who organized to “battle right wingers” and campaigned for people to only vote for Democrats such as Dan Cruson (“two and only two”) in the last election are open to giving anyone with an R next to their name a fair shake, especially with how some of these openly partisan co-signers misrepresented comments from existing BOE members to castigate them.