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To the Editor:



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To the Editor:

I am very pleased to endorse Lisa Romano for our state representative in the 106th District. She is smart, courageous, and has the energy to tackle the tough issues and to get results. She will work tirelessly and compassionately as our public servant, fighting for what’s right for Newtown at the capitol.

Whatever your party affiliation or independent we all can agree that jobs are the number one priority for the State of Connecticut. Until recently, we had one of the worst records on job creation in the country. For many years the state has invested little on job creation as demonstrated by the results. This must change. Starting with the job creation bill passed in July and continuing with the work Lisa will do, things will turn around.

As a local realtor, Lisa knows the importance of creating job opportunities so that a family can earn a decent wage. She sees firsthand the economic importance of job creation for Newtown and for our state so that families can stay in their homes and thrive.

Lisa wants to work for a long-term strategy to strengthen our state’s competitiveness in the global marketplace. She believes the state must do more to stimulate our economy, to invest in entrepreneurs and coordinate higher education and training programs with economic development goals. Lisa believes that the state needs to continue with programs to help locate job opportunities for people who have almost given up on employment opportunities. Both local and state economic development programs must be geared to business development and job training, including intern programs to reduce the risk to the employer. Finally, Lisa will work to encourage banks to increase support to small businesses, with sound financing programs at reasonable interest rates.

I feel that Lisa is deeply committed to the task of improving the state’s economy. If our state’s economy can grow, our tax revenues will increase. Job growth will provide needed revenue to Connecticut to stop the “death spiral,” which caused the deep spending cuts required in the last state budget.

Lisa also knows the value of an excellent education, having three children, and will work hard on education issues. We need a person with Lisa’s qualifications in Hartford. Please join me in voting for Lisa Romano on November 6.


Joe Bojnowski

6 North Branch Road, Newtown                                  October 1, 2012

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