A hotel patron at the Hawley Manor Inn was arrested on first degree assault charges after a shooting incident in his room critically injured another man on October 7, at 10 pm. Charles H. Brown, 46, of the Hawley Manor Inn, was arrested for allegedly shooting Joel Coffeen, 33, of San Diego, California. An unidentified female called the Newtown Police Department to report the shooting. Police then responded and located Mr Coffeen who was transported by Newtown Ambulance to Danbury Hospital, where he underwent surgery for the gunshot wound. Ay press time, he is listed in critical condition in the intensive care unit.
The marching men and women of the Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire Company capped another fine season on the firemenâs parade circuit with an excellent showing at the Connecticut State Firemenâs Association Convention in Derby. At the convention, held September 20, forty firefighters and eight members of the ladies auxiliary marched, winning the following four trophies: Best Unit in Shirts, Best Tanker, First Runner-Up Color Guard, and First Runner-Up ladies Auxiliary.
The Newtown boysâ cross country team added two wins to their unmarred record of 4-0, in Redding, against Joel Barlow and Masuk. Newtown recorded their fourth shut-out during this season against Barlow, 15-50, and defeated Masuk 19-44. Newtownâs Joe Smith finished first overall, with a time of 16:36.
October 12, 1962
The new A&P supermarket in the Newtown Shopping Center will have its grand opening at 9 am, on Tuesday, October 16, following the construction of the new building over the past months by George William Wheeler, Inc, of Brookfield, building contractors. Early American architecture is featured in the new supermarket, which, although modern in every respect and replete with the latest in shopping conveniences, harmoniously combines the old with the new.
Andrew Sedor of Currituck Road was named the Corn King of Fairfield County at the annual meeting of the Fairfield County Agricultural Extension Council at the extension building in Bethel, Tuesday evening. He won the title by outdistancing eight other entries in a corn growing contest. The Newtown man grew 33.6 tons of corn per acre green weight, which gave a dry yield of 31.2 tons.
The Newtown Athletic Club under the management of Robert Shannon has registered the first team of players for the proposed Newtown Volleyball League. Next Tuesday evening at 7:30 pm is the date set for any and all who wish to start playing to appear at the high school gymnasium. It is a fine chance for the men of Newtown who wish to keep fit during the long indoor season.
Fire Marshal Millard Goodsell wishes to remind townspeople and their children of two of the most important events of Fire Prevention Week. On Friday afternoon at 1:30 at the rear of the high school on Queen Street, a skit will be presented using actual fire and the departmentâs equipment. On Saturday afternoon between 2 and 4 oâclock at the Edmond Town Hall, there will be a mass assembly of Newtown fire equipment, with demonstrations of handling actual fires with extinguishers.
October 8, 1937
There is one aspect of this yearâs Danbury Fair which quite offends the sensibilities of many people. It is the open gate of Sunday, attracting some 24,000 people not only to witness the dare-devil acts of âLuckyâ Teter, but the attractions of the midway which may be variously described but never of a character at all suggestive of a New England Sabbath. We suggest it might be more in keeping with our New England traditions, if in the future, the Fair can see its way clear to refrain from making of Sunday just as much a carnival day as any other day of the week.
The 82nd annual statement of the Newtown Savings Bank appears in this weekâs issue of The Bee, and quite speaks for itself. President Arthur T. Nettleton and his associates are to be congratulated. Deposits at the bank now total $3,505,015.97.
Fire of an undetermined origin completely destroyed the house of Mrs Anna Johnston in South Center district early Tuesday morning while the owner was visiting in Bridgeport. The fire was first discovered at 2:30 am, by George Wheeler, who resides next door. The local fire department responded to the alarm and were later assisted by members of the Dodgingtown Fire Department. The fire, however, had gained much headway and because of the lack of water, the house with contents was burned to the ground.
The pupils of the Biology class at Hawley School and their teacher, Miss Janet West, made a field trip, Tuesday morning, to the flower gardens at the home of Mr and Mrs W.M. McKenzie on Queen street. The gardens, which are a delight to any visitor, proved very interesting to the school children, who asked many questions and listened with attention to the short talk which Mrs McKenzie gave them.
October 11, 1912
Newtown Savings Bank: Chartered in 1855 under the strict banking laws of the State of Connecticut this bank has faithfully fulfilled the mission for which it was founded â the encouragement of thrift among the people and the profitable safe-guarding of their savings. The first dividend was declared April 1, 1856. Since that time, no semi-annual interest period has passed with the declaration and payment of a dividend.
High School Notes: The school will soon be able to say that it has a reading table of its own. Through generous subscriptions by various townfolk it has been possible to subscribe to magazines suitable for reference work in the school as well as making instructive reading for the entire student body.
James A. Peck of South Center and Jesse B. Woodhull, the clerk at the Newtown Savings Bank, enjoyed a daysâ hunting, last Tuesday. From appearances on their return, they had excellent luck.
A handsome and emphatic endorsement of Selectman W.C. Johnson and his administration of town affairs the past year, was given by the voters of Newtown at the election, Monday, when in a poll of 645 ballots he received a majority of 240 above his democratic opponent, Samuel A. Blackman. Mr Johnsonâs great vote carried with him the election of the entire republican ticket.