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A Great Dinner Dance



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A Great Dinner Dance

To the Editor:

On September 28, Ashlar of Newtown hosted an Employee Dinner Dance at The Stone Barn in Monroe. There was a wonderful turnout and a great time was had by all who attended, and without the generosity of the businesses listed below, it would not have been the great success it turned out to be.

We, hereby, would like to express a gracious “Thank You” to the following businesses who contributed door prizes to make it an unforgettable event: Bearmark Designs, Bee Natural, Bentley Dry Cleaners, Big Y, Blue Colony Diner, Cave Comics, Champagne Taste, Citgo, Cold Stone Ice Cream, Discount Liquors of Woodbury, Dunkin’ Donuts, Fair Auto Supply, Franco’s Pizza, Gems and Things, Glen-Ro Spirit Shop, Hair 2000, Hair Attraction, Home Depot, Ice Cream Shop, Katherine’s Kitchen, Lakeside Wine & Liquor, Leslie’s Jewelry, Main View Deli & Greek Market, Morrison Food Co., My Place Restaurant, Newtown Car Care, Newtown Car Wash, Newtown Deli, Newtown Exxon, Newtown Florist, Newtown Hardware, Panera Bread, Pizza Palace, Premier Designs, Radio Shack, Ricci’s Hair Salon, Robert Anthony’s Hair Salon, Sal E Pepe, Salon Michele, Sandy Hook Hair Company, Sandy Hook Wine and Liquors, Stop & Shop, Subway, The Villa Restaurant & Pizza, and Yankee Wines and Spirits.

Bea Vangor

Ashlar of Newtown

139 Toddy Hill Road, Newtown                                   October 3, 2007

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