Very Bad News From Hartford
To the Editor:
There is very bad news for Newtown taxpayers out of Hartford. Governor Malloy has vetoed the bipartisan budget bill passed in the General Assembly two weeks ago. Instead, the governor opted for his draconian Executive Order to go into effect on October 1. In that order, Newtown will lose $4,527,000 in state education grants and will also have to pay, for the first time in history, another $3 million in ongoing annual teachers' pension fund costs. The total hit for Newtown is over $7.5 million. This alone adds up to a seven or eight percent tax increase for Newtown taxpayers, which may have to be paid before 2017 is out.
And while all of this is going on, the governor's Executive Order provides for a $140 million wasteful expenditure for a new XL Entertainment Center in Hartford, and for $1.5 billion in new taxes.
The only hope is for the General Assembly to override the governor's veto, which is highly unlikely considering that neither he nor his own political party have come up with a budget that has gained any support sufficient to pass.
The truth is that the governor and his party are at the end of their rope. They have thrown away the taxpayers' money and ruined the Connecticut economy. This collapse of the state government as a partner to its towns is the most important issue really a major crisis facing Newtown.
What does this mean for Newtown and other well-run towns and cities in Connecticut? It means that the caliber of people we elect to local leadership is going to be critically important in 2017 and for years to come. Most importantly, who we elect to Newtown's Legislative Council is going to be key because the council has responsibility for the annual budget and for setting the mil rate. As a candidate for the council, and a former 12-year first selectman, I understand annual budgets, how to control costs, getting the best results for long-term bonding, fiscal responsibility, and fiscal transparency, getting the biggest bank for the buck, and guiding a town through a bad economy. I respectfully ask for your support on Election Day.
George C. Guidera
24 Equestrian Ridge, Newtown ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ October 4, 2017