Kennel Club To Hold200th AKC Match
Kennel Club To Hold
200th AKC Match
The Newtown Kennel Club will holds its annual AKC Match show on Sunday, October 8, on the baseball fields at Fairfield Hills. This will be the 200th match show that the club has presented. Judging of obedience will begin at 11 am while confirmation judging will begin at 12 noon.
The confirmation judges this year with be Dr Fran Paulin of Sandy Hook (Sporting Breeds and Best Puppy in Match), Steve Sackter of Prospect (Working breeds and groups), Mrs Sarah Waldorf of Petersburg, New York (Herding breeds and groups), John Arvin of Bamegat, New Jersey (Hounds breeds and Terrier breeds and groups, and Best Adult in Match), and Ms Sally Sizer of Westbrook (Non-sporting breeds and toy breeds and groups, and junior showmanship).
The obedience judges are Mrs Debbie Heckman of Brookfield (Pre-Novice A and B), Chris Durgan of Fairfield (Novice A and B), Ms Joan Proto of Milford (Open A and B), and Bob Amen of Fairfield (Utility Class).
The grounds will open at 9 am and there will be no admission charged. Spectators are welcome.