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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Bolinsky Leads On Transportation



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To the Editor:

Transportation is a top-of-mind election issue, and given the candidates for the 106th, the choice is clear — Mitch Bolinsky has a record of accomplishments, while his opponent’s short-sighted decisions caused student transportation issues parents are still dealing with today.

Representative Bolinsky has advanced projects such as the Exit 11 redesign and the Edmond Rd realignment. Before his tenure these projects were perpetually just over the horizon, but Mitch was able to secure funding and commitments. No longer do we make multiple left turns to get on the highway. Safety and sight lines have leapt forward. The improvements have been incredible. Mitch has developed close relationships across the aisle and at the CT DOT which he has been able to leverage for Newtown.

His opponent supported giving the bus transportation vendor a no bid contract. It is now over a decade without a competitive bid since the owner-operators relationship was ended.

Then she supported a change that made most bus drivers part time, resulting in a cut in paid hours that is often cited as why Newtown cannot attract and retain drivers. Had she spoken with our drivers these issues would have been obvious. Today there are three school bus routes not running, and it will get worse if drivers continue to seek hours elsewhere. Meanwhile, the families on those routes are left to sort out other arrangements for their children.

Those changes removed incentives and created schedule conflicts for drivers who typically provide sports transportation. Consequently, Newtown has hired a limo company to provide transportation to games. Yes, your tax dollars are paying for expensive limo busses because our bussing situation is so broken.

This fall vote to re-elect Rep Bolinsky and his positive record of working collaboratively to solve transportation issues.

Ryan W. Knapp


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