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Love And Knishes Senior Lunch Program



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Love And Knishes Senior Lunch Program

SOUTHBURY — The Love and Knishes Senior Lunch Program of the Federation-Jewish Communities of Western Connecticut will meet on Tuesdays in October. Lunch takes place at noon and lectures and musical entertainment start at 1 pm.

All programs are open to the public, and the suggested donation is $5.50 for seniors and $8 for those under age 60. The luncheons take place at the Walzer Family Jewish Community Campus, 444 Main Street North.

The following programs are planned for October:

The pianist Patty Richards of Southbury will entertain with a variety of favorite old tunes.

On October 14, “Radio Stars Live!” will feature Tom Chute and Bob Sagendorf of WATR Radio 1320 in Waterbury entertaining with tales about the golden age of radio, songs, and jokes.

On October 21, there will be a flu clinic from 10 am to noon. After the noontime lunch, mezzo-soprano Sharon Ruchman will present “A Medley of Jewish Songs,” with Jewish folk songs, show tunes and Yiddish melodies.

On October 28, music therapist Mary Morreale will demonstrate how music can move, inspire, and heal.

Reservations must be made by Thursday for the following week’s program. To RSVP, call Debby Horowitz, Brownstein Jewish Family Service program director, at 267-3177, ext 105.

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