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Honoring Veterans



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Honoring Veterans

WASHINGTON, DC — The United States Navy Memorial Foundation in Washington, DC, has established the “Navy Log” in an effort to honor all naval veterans that have served the country. The Navy Log includes Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Merchant Mariners.

 The Navy Log has thus far collected the names, service information, and photographs of over a quarter of a million service personnel. All enrollments form a part of America’s enduring naval heritage, a permanent and publicly accessible video register available for reviewing at the Naval Heritage Center next to the Navy Memorial on Pennsylvania Avenue, midway between the White House and the Capitol, or on the Memorial’s Internet Web site, www.lonesailor.org. 

Write US Navy Memorial Foundation, Attn: Navy Log, 701 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite 123, Washington, DC 20004-2608; or call 800/821-8892 ext 730.

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