Moving To A Red State
To the Editor:
Was the bankruptcy of Detroit the proverbial canary in the coal mine? The city was swept away by a slow motion tsunami of pension fund debt. Main Street suffered greatly, but the politicians that spent the city into ruins will emerge unscathed. This is occurring at three levels of government; federal, state, and local. Your bar bill for the feds drunken sailor profligate spending binge is $136,260 per household. Including unfunded liabilities we are a staggering $90 trillion in the red. In three decades we morphed from the world’s richest nation to the most indebted. That’s our pathetic legacy to our children.
Connecticut has the dubious distinction of leading the nation in per capita debt at $5,402. Including unfunded liabilities, we rank fourth with a $27,540 tab. Our state ranks #50 in economic growth, Malloy signed a $1.8 billion tax increase, largest in our states history. Connecticut ranks last in almost all categories that make a state desirable to live in, but first in the least desirable state to retire in. Twelve thousand net residents moved out of Connecticut in 2010 alone. We rank seventh in defections. Sadly, Connecticut was ranked one of the top states to live in 30 years ago.
Newtown follows in the same vain. A trifecta! With a mill rate increase from 24 to 33.3, many residents were shocked to see their new tax bills. Not all, just those that the town could extort from. After all, when you’re on a spending binge the money has to come from somewhere. The carnage was levied on those with larger homes, a view of some water, and those “well healed” seniors in that 55 and over condo category. Incredibly, the town announced in the front pages of The Bee where revenues would be raised. Rather brazen no? My heart goes out to the seniors of the newly formed Newtown League of Senior Voters. How does one retire in their home town with such grueling taxation? Is this any way to treat our seniors, many of whom made great contributions to our community? Is this not discrimination to the achievers in society? Should we punish success? Who determines the value of a lakeside view? This is a redistribution of wealth from the private sector to public employees’ salaries, pensions and health care packages (not police, firemen, first responders).
My taxes went from $11,000 to $22,000 this year. I don’t have a pension; I can’t afford it after taxes. I will not in principle or practicality allow Newtown to pillage my hard earned dollars at the tune of a quarter of a million dollars in ten years for the privilege of living here. I will vote with my feet and move to a red state that respects property rights. How did this happen to America? This is home of the free? Goodbye Connecticut and Newtown. The feds I can’t escape, but two out of three ain’t bad. Arrivederci!
Nicholas Barzetti
55 Flat Swamp Road, Newtown October 2, 2013