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Public Hearing October 7 On Sustainable Energy Commission



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Public Hearing October 7 On Sustainable Energy Commission

By John Voket

Residents who wish to comment on or support the town’s potential establishment of a Sustainable Energy Commission and three other “housekeeping” ordinances are invited to a Public Hearing at 7 pm, Wednesday, October 7, in the meeting room of the C.H. Booth Library. The council’s ordinance committee will then report — presumably at that evening’s 7:30 full council meeting — where further discussion may occur ahead of the possible enactment of those four proposed new ordinances.

The initiatives up for comment at the October 7 hearing are: an amendment to the Parks and Recreation Commission Ordinance; an amendment to the Commission on Aging Ordinance; an Ordinance creating a Sustainable Energy Commission; an Ordinance establishing an Other Post Employment Benefits Trust.

The Sustainable Energy Commission, if seated upon the successful passage of an enabling ordinance, will have the following charge and responsibilities:

*To identify, implement and support renewable energy use, energy efficiency and energy conservation programs in which residents, businesses, organizations and agencies can participate and that may result in cost savings to taxpayers.

*To disseminate information relating to cost effective and environmentally conscious renewable energy use, energy efficiency and energy conservation programs.

*To support the efforts of town officials and employees to identify and implement renewable energy use, energy efficiency and energy conservation programs. 

*To make recommendations to and receive recommendations from appropriate local, regional, state and federal officials and agencies, boards and commissions regarding action to improve the town’s energy efficiency, energy conservation and renewable energy use.

*To advertise and maintain a website and prepare, print and distribute books, charts and materials and may collect, compile and disseminate information relative to the promotion of energy efficiency, energy conservation and renewable energy use, as well as to support, develop and organize such other program or innovations as recommended by the Board of Selectmen.

The commission would meet monthly, at least ten times per year, elect leadership, and adopt rules and regulations for putting into effect the provisions of ordinance. The commission would also be charged with reporting at least annually back to the Legislative Council and to the Board of Selectmen on its activities and of its recommendations for energy efficiency, energy conservation, and renewable energy. 

Any funds received by the Sustainable Energy Commission, such as from grants, gift or bequest, shall be administered by the town finance director. Members of the commission shall serve without pay.  Necessary expenses of members incurred in the performance of their duties may be paid from funds appropriated for such purpose, if any.

The Parks and Rec, as well as the Commission on Aging ordinances would be amended in part, with language suggested by Finance Director Robert Tait. The amendments simply direct the town’s first selectman and finance director to sign any checks being disbursed by either or both commissions.

Previously, those checks were co-signed by the individual committee chairs.

If established, the Other Post Employment Benefits Trust would be created to park funds for underwriting accrued retiree health benefits, similar to the fund Newtown currently maintains for retirees pension, according to Mr Tait.

Comments are open. Be civil.

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