Improving Communications
Improving Communications
To the Editor:
Improved communication will be critical as we plan for our future. Before IPN entered the political scene two years ago with a platform emphasizing accountability and transparency, town leaders were reluctant to provide information and they did not communicate regularly with the citizens.
Information was difficult to find.
Gary Davis and I have worked diligently for the last two years on the Legislative Council to make improvements in communications and transparency in government, and we have made some progress.
The town boards now share meeting minutes and agendas with each other. Many meeting minutes posted online now include some attachments. The detailed budget information, tax implication of the budget/capital projects, and the Capital Improvement Plan requests are now posted on the website when asked.
Two budget seasons ago, IPN was told the town did not have the ability to post the detailed budget information on the town website. IPN paid the town 50 cents a page for the town budget, scanned all 277 pages and posted it on our website so that voters could review its details prior to the referendum.
We thank Bob Tait, Newtownâs finance director, and other town employees for being responsive and providing more information on the website.
IPN efforts to improve communications also resulted in the creation of the Ad Hoc Communications Subcommittee. This subcommittee worked to increase the utilization of Channel 17 and advocated for $92,000 (not originally budgeted) to fund the equipment necessary to broadcast meetings at the new town hall.
Some of our proposals did not receive support. Our proposal to create an email notification system allowing residents to receive agendas and meeting minutes was rejected. My request for meeting minutes to be expanded so that citizens reading the minutes would understand the rationale behind the important decisions being made was rejected. Luckily, the IPN is able to provide some important information to those who subscribe to our Independent Party Express newsletter.
Despite some improvements made in communications in the last two years, more can be done to make information readily available, to have town government entities communicate better with each other, and to build awareness and facilitate dialogue among our citizens on important issues facing Newtown such as the state of the schools, the vision for FFH, the new town hall, community/senior center plans, fire/police department needs, town meetings, voting dates to approve capital projects, and budget updates.
I applaud Bruce Walczak, IPN first selectman candidate, for sharing his comprehensive communications plan for the Board of Selectmen to better communicate with the citizens of Newtown. The first selectman plays a critical role in communicating Newtownâs vision, plan, and updates of important issues to the community. Mr Walczak continuously demonstrates leadership by outlining his ideas to improve town government.
Gary and I could have done so much more for Newtown in the last two years with more like-minded town leaders such as Mr Walczak. If you value openness in government please consider visiting and supporting IPN in November.
Po Murray
Legislative Council Member
IPN Candidate for District 2
38 Charter Ridge Drive, Sandy Hook                September 29, 2009