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Fred Pendergast quietly pocketed the keys to Bus #15, Wednesday, September 23, retiring after 50 years of chauffeuring and shepherding three generations of children to and from Newtown schools. That's quite a ride, and is no doubt filled with many



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Fred Pendergast quietly pocketed the keys to Bus #15, Wednesday, September 23, retiring after 50 years of chauffeuring and shepherding three generations of children to and from Newtown schools. That’s quite a ride, and is no doubt filled with many memories for Fred and the kids who rode his bus. Thank you from all of those who appreciate the dedication and patience Fred gave to safely driving busloads of boisterous youngsters all around town for so many years. Happy retirement!

If you put on your raingear last Sunday and headed over to the Paproski Farm pumpkin patch on Sugar Lane for the annual Ukrainian Festival, you were probably a little disappointed to find it had been postponed due to the weather. But never mind, you get another opportunity to celebrate Ukrainian heritage there on the rescheduled day of Sunday, October 4. Come at 11 am for the Divine Liturgy and stay till dusk enjoying song, dance, activities, and delicious food. For more information, call 426-5487.

He is settled in back at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute now, but at the end of August, Thomas Cruson, a 2004 graduate of NHS, was happy to point out on the map where his 1,500-mile journey ended this summer. An avid outdoorsman, Thomas’s solo foot-journey started at Mount Katahdin in Maine and followed the International Appalachian Trail into Canada, to the northern tip of Newfoundland. It was a relatively peaceful trip, says his dad, town historian Dan Cruson, except for the Canadian border patrol sending ATVs and helicopters to intercept Thomas as he stepped over the line from the US into Canada… I would be home licking the pads of my paws for the next several weeks after a hike like that, but Thomas has been back out in the woods again every weekend, too busy to share much more of his adventure with Bee readers yet!

Ginny Lathrop did not go 1,500 miles away, but she has been missed at her dance studio while recuperating at Bethel Health Care Center recently. Miss Diane from the Lathrop School of Dance tells me that friends and students can look forward to seeing Miss Lathrop around town pretty soon again, though. She should be back in her home by the time you read this. Welcome home, Miss Lathrop! Glad you’re back on your toes again.

Here’s a photo of Abi Malin, Alyssa Vetrano, Sarah Attanaro, Gene Vetrano, and  Joe Hemingway, candidate for Board of Selectmen, as they give the heave-ho to a giant bag of trash.  The local Democratic Party dispatched volunteers following the official opening of its headquarters earlier this month in an effort to clean up several roads in Newtown. You don’t have to be part of a political team, though, to keep Newtown clean, and you don’t have to wait for the Lions-sponsored cleanup day in the spring to make it “Nicer In Newtown.” Take along some work gloves and a trash bag when you’re out walking on one of these nice autumn days and pick up the garbage that has accumulated along the roadsides this summer. What always puzzles me, though, is who is tossing all of those bottles, bags, and boxes out onto the edge of the road? Remember the 1970s owl who urged, “Give a hoot — Don’t pollute”? I think he needs to make a reappearance….

‘Tis this season… for chrysanthemums, fall asters, ornamental cabbage and kale, fall pansies, and other perennials, and Newtown Junior Women’s Club will have all that and more when members host their annual Fall Mum Sale this weekend. Members of the club will be at Newtown Middle School on Saturday, October 2, from 8 am to 2 pm, selling the aforementioned examples of autumnal plants. All proceeds will benefit local community initiatives. The ladies will also be accepting donations of gently used Halloween costumes, which they will donate to Covenant For Care For Children in Bloomfield. For additional information about the flower sale or the costume collection, send an email to rosenkawa@msn.com.

I’m not sure what Whist is, but it has the word “crazy” in it, so I’m there: Members of Bethel Women’s Club and Newtown Woman’s Club will host a Crazy Whist Card Party this weekend and anyone who enjoys playing cards is welcome. The card party will begin at noon Saturday, October 3, at Christ the King Lutheran Church, 85 Mt Pleasant Road. Admission is $5 in advance or $6 at the door. For information or last-minute reservations call Bonnie Clark at 748-6243 or Debbie Stakel at 426-2336.

I’m fortunate that as a single cat, I can just curl up and take a nap when I get bored. That doesn’t work for people, I hear, so if you are retired, divorced, single, or widowed and looking for a change, you might want to look into this new group. A Singles Discussion Group is forming for women and men 55 years and older in the Newtown area. Discuss recapturing your self-esteem, breaking out of the stay at home rut, finding your passion, and finances. If interested call Nancy at 270-1447 or Sue at 270-8957.

I’ll be up admiring the full harvest moon this Sunday night. I’m sure it will create lots of news for me to gather and share with you next week when you can …. Read me again.

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