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There Is No App For Nature



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To the Editor:

There was a very interesting article in the New York Times this past Sunday (9/27/15): “Stop Googling. Let’s Talk” by Sherry Turkle, an MIT professor. She has been studying the psychology of online connectivity for 30 years; more recently with a focus on what has happened to face-to-face conversation with apps and texting dominating our social culture.

Needless to say, it has not been good. A decline in empathy, an inability to develop meaningful friendships, impatience and stunted play behaviors were all observed.  Middle aged people, like this writer, have developed and practiced our social skills for many years predating the smart phone, so it may be hard for us to believe how pervasive this deterioration is. But it is there.  While you may enjoy intellectual discussions at your book club, the app generation tends to have more superficial conversations so that they can easily break away to check their devices.

However, there is no app for nature and that is the good news. A 2014 study showed that after five days at a device free outdoor camp, the campers were  much better able to empathize and read facial expressions of fellow campers than a control group. 

As a leader of an outdoor adventure group for many years, I saw firsthand the effect of having teens put away their phones and concentrate on backpacking up a mountain or paddling a kayak. I remember absolutely great conversations around the campfire where kids dug into their own minds to express their opinions with honesty and respect for one another without the crutch of Wikipedia or Google.

Cullens Youth Association is a not for profit here in Newtown that owns a 20+ acre parcel near Taunton Lake containing a lodge, a pond, fields and campsites. It is available at no charge to any Newtown based youth group for meetings, camping, retreats or nature based activities. To find out more, including how to reserve it, you can go to its website at  http://cullensyouthassociation.webs.com/.  Scout groups, religious youth groups, 12/14 recovery groups are all welcome.  Maybe an overnight under the stars could be a good first step to getting unconnected and rediscovering the joys of conversation.


Tracy Van Buskirk

Cullens Youth Association

18 Poverty Hollow Road, Newtown             September 29, 2015

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