Who Could Ask For More?
Who Could Ask For More?
To the Editor:
During the time of Hurricane Irene, we were at Lake George so we missed all the turmoil, fallen trees, and life without electricity. Fortunately, our housesitter kept us well informed so that when we returned home and saw our beautiful maple tree in the front yard fallen and uprooted, it was not a total surprise to us.
 After a few days went by we called Fred Hurley at the Highway Department. He was very helpful and said that they would take care of it. A few days after that I returned home from a meeting to find much of the tree gone. The next day it had completely vanished. Not only that, but the ground had been smoothed, seeded, and covered with hay! Wow! Who could ask for more.
Since then I have seen the Highway Department crew around town taking down fallen trees and generally helping homeowners in the cleanup. Hats off to Fred Hurley and his great crew!
Gordon and Lina Williams
Main Street, Newtown                                         September 24, 2011