Running For The Police Commission
Running For The Police Commission
To the Editor
My fellow Newtown citizens: I would like to announce my intention to seek a seat to represent you on the Newtown Police Commission as a candidate on the Republican slate in the upcoming local election to be held in November of this year. I am desirous of bringing my experience in local service and my belief that good government can be secured by electing those who truly believe, and will act accordingly, that fundamental progress can and should be made across a broad front of coordinated governmental activities.
I have previously served you for four years on our school board and two years on our Board of Selectman. I believe this experience coupled with my private sector business background and my dedication to advancing the cause of making steady progress in our desire to make Newtown better will enable me to serve our citizens with honor, accomplishment, and success.
Good government starts with choosing the right people. I ask for your support in our upcoming election irrespective of your party affiliation.
Sincerely and respectfully,
Paul J. Mangiafico
15 Kent Road, Newtown                                      September 24, 2011