Reconsider The Owner-Operators Decision
Reconsider The Owner-Operators Decision
To the Editor:
We are writing to add our voices to the townwide chorus of citizens who want the owner-operators to continue to carry our children to and from school. If we let our Newtown-based bus drivers lose their jobs, we will all lose. The quality of life for children and families will be diminished.
On a more practical level, there is no reason we are aware of that would prevent All-Star from going on strike, as they have already done in the past. The result could be more lost school days and an increase in town money spent, despite cost being the rationale for the change that has been stated by the Board of Education and superintendent.
We respectfully request that the Board of Education and the superintendent listen to the overwhelming desire of Newtown residents and revisit this decision.
We appreciate our bus drivers! We will be wearing our yellow ribbons.
Miranda and Adam Pacchiana
Sandy Hook, September 24, 2011