The Wrong Strategy
To the Editor,
Obama’s interview on CBS over the weekend did nothing to diminish the threat we face from ISIS. Once again he tried to shift the blame for the short fall of his administration to others. It seems this is one strategy he knows.
The threat our country faces from ISIS is real and deadly. For the president to tell the world we won’t put troops on the ground to hunt these fanatics down and destroy them is simply unbelievable. Does he think the men and women flying our combat aircraft are expendable? Or is he pandering to the Democrat base because an election is weeks away? Regardless of his motive he is wrong.
The Army has a simple motto haven’t won until you can walk on it. ISIS will survive the air campaign. Only ground forces can finish them off.
As a veteran and father of service men and women I don’t want to see troops placed in harms way but in this case we have no choice.
I did agree with Obama when, during the interview he said the United States is the one nation on the planet that has the means to defeat these fanatics.
So let’s do it !
RP Gottmeier
Antler Pine Road, Sandy Hook September 29, 2014