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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Long-Time Friend Getting Behind Walczak



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To the Editor:

With the abundance of decisions we are called on to make — hourly, daily, too often — I wanted to help with one, that of whom to select to act in the best interest of our children, their education and the health of our school system in Newtown.

I strongly believe that the Newtown Board of Education would be enhanced, and all of our lives enriched, by the inclusion of Independent candidate Bruce Walczak as a member.

I have known Bruce for over 25 years and regard him as very fair-minded, someone who works to address all sides of an issue, while finding consensus over subjects that can become divisive. He has experience serving on multiple boards, both business and community-based, notably Junior Achievement benefiting school-aged children.

Bruce’s awareness of the importance of a strong, well-rated school district on the economic health of the Town and Townspeople is meaningful to more than just families with school-aged children (Empty Nesters take note when admiring your property values — the quality of our schools is important in maintaining strong property values as well).

Let Bruce Walczak’s keen desire to help do just that — help our schools, our children, and our Town.


Heather Rodriguez


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