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Congressional Reform



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Congressional Reform

To The Editor:

The letter from Dom Nocturne, entitled “Congressional Service: An Honor Not a Career” in The Bee on 9/14/2012, is spot on. I think Warren Buffet’s assessment  of the situation in our government is 100 percent correct, and I am in full agreement with Rich Narel and Mr Nocturne in this matter. I am very much in favor of the “Congressional Reform Act of 2012”: however, I don’t think it will go too far. The only way it will go through is action will have to be initiated by a majority of the states demanding that it be passed and subsequently validated by the state.

This means that we the citizens must get out our pens and paper and write to out state officials requesting that they take the necessary action. Maybe the citizens of Newtown, regardless of party affiliation can get the project going. Let’s hear from you.

Sincerely yours,

Joseph E Borst

10 Beechwood Drive, Sandy Hook                       September 17, 2012

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