An Unwelcome Gesture
An Unwelcome
To the Editor:
I am writing this letter to the man with a mustache who was driving a dark-colored Chevy behind elementary school bus number 23 on the morning of Thursday, September 20, at around 9. I am the parent of one of the 8-year-old boys who happened to be sitting in the very back of the bus that day and who, after waving to you, received an obscene gesture from you in return. You even had the audacity to stick your hand out of the window!
You should be ashamed of yourself. Perhaps you should think about how difficult it makes our jobs as parents to teach our children how to behave and be respectful toward others when they witness adults like you behaving in such a disgraceful manner. In the future, please keep your hands inside the car and your gestures to yourself.
Temple Whitaker
15 Alder Lane, Sandy Hook                                September 25, 2007