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Mitch Is On Our Side



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To the Editor:

Mitch’s opponent seems to be cherry picking bills in hopes of misleading voters who may not be aware of the complicated mechanizations of Hartford politics by oversimplifying nuanced issues and complex omnibus legislation.

For example, one bill cited was used to cast our excellent state Rep as something other than caring about our environment, when in reality the bill in question would further raise our energy bills and make our state even less affordable. Mitch has been a leader on the push for a Special Session to remove the “public benefits” taxes from our bills and to have the state, rather than the rate payers, fund the cost of state mandates.

If you want to know what kind of Representative Mitch is, ask those who know what goes on in Hartford. He has been endorsed by seniors groups, job creator organizations, special education groups, realtors, police associations, and more!

As a ranking member on the Appropriations Committee, Mitch stops tax hikes before they get to us and advocates for responsible budgets with common sense, even if there is a reason for him to ultimately not support the final version such as the recent gimmicks Mitch objected to which the state’s attorney is investigating the questionable legality of.

Mitch’s effectiveness is demonstrated in that he just led transformative bipartisan reforms related to seniors and senior care, something AARP has said will launch our state into the top five for aging.

This November I will again be casting my vote for Rep Bolinsky and his effective leadership for which our state is better off.

Jennifer Nicoletti

Sandy Hook

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