Green Party Meeting Oct 5
Green Party Meeting Oct 5
DANBURY â Interested in finding out about the Green Party? Wondering what it is exactly that Ralph Nader, Winona La Duke, and your local Green Party stand for?
An informational meeting is being sponsored by the Western Connecticut Green Party at the WestConn Student Center, second floor, on Thursday, October 5, at 7:30 pm. Tom Sevigny, co-chair of the Connecticut Green Party and member of the coordinating committee of the National Association of Green Parties, and Dr John Battista, Connecticut Representative to the Association of State Green Parties and one of the founders of Connecticut Coalition for Universal Health Care, will speak and answer questions about the Green Party and Ralph Naderâs campaign for the presidency.
The meeting will address local and national issues and review the Ten Point Green Party program which is the basis for Ralph Naderâs presidential bid. Meeting sponsors say it is a chance to learn about alternatives at a time when third party candidates are barred from the presidential debates, and Americans are not being given the information they need to make an informed choice about whom they wish to see in public office in November.
This will be an interactive meeting in which participation will be encouraged.