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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Vote for Michelle Embree Ku For State Representative



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To the Editor:

Nobody likes paying taxes, but everyone likes the services our taxes fund.

We need to know that we’re getting the best value for our money, and that our voices are being heard in Hartford.

Michelle Embree Ku understands: That’s why she has my support for state representative.

Michelle is an experienced legislator who knows and loves Newtown. She has served on and chaired the Board of Education and served on the Legislative Council and the Board of Selectmen. She is widely respected: she listens to all sides of every problem, and seeks creative non partisan solutions. Michelle knows issues can’t be resolved by limiting our thinking to narrow, partisan boxes.

Michelle understands that many of us are worried about healthcare and don’t get the care we need to stay healthy. She will fight for healthcare that works, with quality hospitals that work for us, not just for profit; a better insurance marketplace; family planning; and reducing gun violence.

Michelle understands that many of us are worried about whether our children and grandchildren will be successful: She will fight for funding for quality education and schools with clean air. Michelle understands that many of us are worried about housing: she will fight for smart development and for a livable community.

Michelle understands that many of us are worried about whether we can keep Newtown green and beautiful: she will fight for the health of our environment, improving solid waste management and the use of green resources.

Michelle has been listening. She understands that we’re all being squeezed financially, and she wants to make sure our tax dollars and our state government work for us.

Vote for a representative who listens. Vote for Michelle Embree Ku.

Betsy Litt


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