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Registrar Of Voters Speaks On Mail Sent To Residents Concerning Voter Registration



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The Registrar of Voters is easing the concerns of residents who are worried after receiving mail listed as from Election Mail Service on Tuesday, September 24 concerning whether they are registered to vote or not.

The mail, which was sent from Austin, Texas, claims to be a government document and states that the resident may not be registered to vote at their address. It also includes a pre-filled voter registration form.

Democratic Registrar LeReine Frampton said that the Registrar of Voters Office did not send these out, but that they are aware of the mailings.

“This is causing a lot of anxiety among voters worried about being able to vote in this highly contested Presidential election,” Frampton told The Newtown Bee on September 24.

According to Frampton, they spent most of that day answering calls from residents who are anxious regarding their voter status.

She emphasized that any worried residents can verify if they are registered to vote at ct.gov, or they can send an email to registrar.of.voters@newtown-ct.gov with their information and the Registrar of Voters will check and let them know. Any residents sending an email should include their name, address, and date of birth, and that the Registrar of Voters can verify multiple family members if needed.

Reporter Jenna Visca can be reached at jenna@thebee.com.

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