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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Bi-Partisan Effort To Stop Stolen Political Signs



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On Wednesday, the chairmen of both the Republican Town Committee and the Democratic Town Committee released a joint statement regarding vandalized and stolen political signs.

From both NDTC Chair Alex Villamil and NRTC Chair Phil Carroll, it states:

“This election season both Democrats and Republicans are dealing with a rash of vandalized and stolen political signs. The Newtown Democratic Town Committee and the Newtown Republican Town Committee strongly condemn these acts. We have independently reported these occurrences to the local authorities and we thank the Newtown Police Department for addressing these violations in a timely manner and promising to remain watchful for any further infringement of property and our first amendment rights.

“Regardless of philosophical differences, our signs are an extension of our beliefs. One of the basic tenets of a free and open society is mutual respect. Those who participate in this sort of vandalism are not only disrespecting the people putting out their signs but our community as a whole.

“The NDTC and NRTC stand together on maintaining our civility and respect as a community through the upcoming elections and beyond. When it comes to signs or any other form that a member of our community uses to express their opinion; if you disagree, then the most productive way to express your discontent is through your vote on November 5.

“Elections come and go, but as long as we adhere to mutual respect, the ability to agree to disagree, and openly participate in the process for choosing our leaders — our community will always remain strong.”

Letter writer Lynn Hungaski also noted the stolen signs this week in this week’s Letter Hive on page B-6, saying, “The people responsible are depriving the owners of those signs of their right to the First Amendment — freedom of speech and political expression. Also, if you deface someone’s signs, especially with profanity, everyone who drives by sees it, including young children. So much for ‘Nicer in Newtown.’ Last, if you take someone’s signs, it’s stealing. Are we really okay with that?”

While it’s undeniable that times have become increasingly partisan, in our rage over matters that are far from the quiet town of Newtown, we mustn’t forget that those people with the Trump/Vance signs or the Harris/Walz signs are still our neighbors, they are still people, and even if they don’t see eye to eye with you on some things, most of them are good people. Victimizing others and denying others their right to free speech through political signage is against the values we were raised with as Americans. Free speech isn’t just our own right to express our opinions, but also the rights of others as well. Having free speech as a central value often means tolerating speech we don’t like.

It is incumbent on us as Americans and Newtowners to keep it civil during this election season. Our ability to choose our leaders is another central value. Our elections are what make our country great, and that battleground is in the election booth, not in each others’ yards or in the streets.

On the Newtown Police Department Facebook page, Chief David Kullgren also released a statement about the upcoming political season:

“As we approach the upcoming presidential election, I want to address the rising political tensions many of us feel. In our current climate, it is essential to remember that we are a community first and foremost, united by our shared values and commitment to one another.

“Media coverage and political discourse can often amplify divisions, but I would like you to engage in constructive conversations and approach different opinions respectfully and with understanding. Our responsibility is to foster a safe and inclusive environment where every voice can be heard without fear of hostility.

“The police department is here to ensure the safety and security of all our residents. We are committed to upholding the law impartially and serving everyone, regardless of political beliefs. If you encounter or witness any situation threatening our community’s safety, well-being, or destruction of property, please do not hesitate to contact us.

“We will not tolerate any crime or hateful actions in this community and are working with our community partners to ensure this is the case.

“Let’s work together to maintain peace and support each other during this election season. Our strength lies in our unity.

“Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to a harmonious community. Your dedication to this cause makes our community a safe and welcoming place for all.”

Let’s not transpose our anger at national level issues onto our neighbors and the community we share with them. Let’s keep it Nicer In Newtown.

Comments are open. Be civil.

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