'One Of The Good Guys'
To the Editor:
This is an open letter to congratulate Gary Mudgett on his upcoming retirement on September 30 as a letter carrier delivering the same route in Sandy Hook for the past 30 years. We have lived in Sandy Hook for almost 30 years, never realizing the mail carrier was the same person this whole time. Gary is not only a dedicated carrier, but he is also a great person to talk with if you happen to be outside when he delivers the mail. He is careful with packages and letters, and doesn't miss a day, even in bad weather and the anthrax scare.
I thought about the stories he could tell after that many years. He is probably the only person who knows who lives where, who got married, who got divorced and then married again, who passed on and who was born, who the children are and their ages, who moved out and who moved in. He has delivered good news and not so good news. He probably knows our shopping preferences by the catalogs and packages delivered.
So if you happen to see him Friday or Saturday, thank him for his service and wish him well. I, for one, will miss him and his smiling face. Thank you, Gary, for being one of the good guys. Good luck in your future and happy fishing.
Vicky (and Dan) Maresca
80 Great Ring Road, Sandy HookÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ September 26, 2017