Sustaining Our Community of Faith
Sustaining Our Community of Faith
To the Editor:
At the conclusion of the Newtown Interfaith Service for the victims and families of the terrorist attacks, I realized that we never adequately recognized the presence of so many youth at the service. Events like this can create a great deal of anxiety for teens and young adults as they think about their future. Events like this can also rally our young to a deeper understanding of democracy, freedom, and faith. In my dealings with many of the youth in our community, I sensed both aspects in our youth. I simply want to thank them for their presence at the service and for reminding us adults that we need to hand these young people a world where they can prosper, fulfill their dreams, and appreciate freedom.
We need to sustain what was rallied on that Sunday evening. Our churches, temples, and mosques were filled on the weekend following the attacks, but numbers seem to have diminished in the next week. I believe that coming together in any circumstance to remind ourselves of the need for community is essential if we are going to see our way through the days ahead. I would simply ask that we continue to encourage our youth to gather in faith. Of course, the best way to accomplish that is by our own example. Rugged individualism may work sometimes, but it is not going to work this time; we are constantly being called by our leadership to stand together, not alone.
I also want to acknowledge with gratitude the members of our own parish community for the incredible generosity demonstrated through the early days of crisis. It is a sign that we are in this together and that one need ever feel they have been forgotten or their needs neglected. Faith is a previous gift to be used and celebrated and shard, and our community of faith lives that gift.
May God continue to bless us all.
Rev. Robert Weiss, Pastor
St Rose of Lima Parish Community
46 Church Hill Road, Newtown                                  September 25, 2001