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Church Women UnitedPlan Oct. 6 Bible Study



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Church Women United

Plan Oct. 6 Bible Study

Linda Taylor of Newtown Congregational Church will lead a Bible study that is open to the public on October 6, at 9:30 am at Christ the King Lutheran Church. The Bible study is sponsored by the Danbury and Bethel-Newtown unit of Church Women United in preparation for the World Community Day Celebration planned for November 3, at 1:30 pm, in the Cyrenius Booth Library.

“Standing Up With Those In Need” will be the theme for both events. The October 6 study will begin with prayer and meditation, followed by information, education, Scriptures, and information on AIDS. Prayer and praise will close the formal part of the program. Everyone is asked to bring a bag lunch. Following the lunch break there will be more discussion time.

Church Women United has maintained a tradition of “standing with” those in need within our communities and this will be the core of the Bible study, according to Ms Taylor. Scriptures to be used are Matthew 25:34-40 and Acts 9:36-43.

“The Bible study will show examples of how, as Christians, we must respond to those who have chronic illnesses, especially women and children who are HIV positive and those who have AIDS. As followers of Christ we are called to care for the sick, the lonely, and the poor. We will be directed to open our hearts, let go of the fear, and be present to all who need out help,” Ms Taylor said.

Church Women United nationally and locally sponsors three celebrations a year. The November 3 event is the last for the year 2000, but the World Day of Prayer March 2 will be celebrated at the Walnut Hill Community Church in Bethel. World Friendship Day will be in March.

Ms Taylor, who has led Bible studies for the Newtown Congregational Church, is a past deacon and chairman of the personnel committee for NCC. She professionally is senior sales and service representative at Fleet Bank in Newtown.

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