We Are Poisoned By Government
We Are Poisoned By Government
To the Editor:
The executive and legislative branches of our federal government are by and largely constituted by people who are doing everything they can to remake this great country as a social welfare state. They are spending astronomical sums of money we donât have and may never be able to repay, excusing our enemies, abandoning our allies, undermining our economy, ignoring criminal immigration across our borders, and apologizing to the world on behalf of all Americans, past and present. They are creating an America that is harmless as an enemy, worthless as an ally. They cry racism the minute anyone objects to their policies.
The objections to these policies have nothing to do with the color of Obamaâs skin. They have to do with the thickness of his skull, the breadth of his ego, the depth of his arrogance, and his incredibly poor vision. Though he ran as a moderate knowing he could never be elected if he campaigned as he intended to govern, Obama is an extreme hard-core liberal. Liberalism has failed time and again to deliver on its promises and fails to account for what motivates people (freedom and wealth) and is therein a fatally flawed philosophy that relies on government regulation to coerce social behavior.
The US government, the group that brought you Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the US Postal Service, and Amtrak (all facing bankruptcy and/or federally subsidized), wants us to believe they can manage a national health care system. They cannot. They will create a bureaucratic, corrupt, inefficient mess of our health care system as they have with all other social programs they have overtaken.
Many took issue with Congressman Joe Wilsonâs recent outburst during the Presidentâs speech. He may get low grades for decorum, but he hit it out of the park in expressing a simple fact. Obama deliberately lied numerous times in his speech. Abortions will be funded with federal tax dollars as the only plans in place to date have no structure in place to prevent it. He knows that is true but stated the opposite. Likewise, more illegal immigrants will be granted all the health care they and their relatives can get their hands on, and the deficit will grow much further and faster as a result of the massive government takeover of our health care system.
This is not about health care but rather an attempt by the extreme far left wing of this country to overtake and remake the republic. Obama may be an American by birth, but he knows nothing of American culture. The American people are poisoned by government, not nourished by it. He does not believe this and cannot understand it. Though poorly covered by the press in this country, evidence of his kindred spirit with America haters continues to grow along with protests against his policies. This is likely not going to end well for America.
Brendan Duffy
4 Chestnut Knoll Drive, Sandy Hook              September 23, 2009