Sept 29: 35th Annual Outdoor Antiques Show, Lebanon Green, Rte 207 at 87, Lebanon, 10 am-4 pm rain or shine, adm Nov3 ###free parking), 100+ dealers, special exhibit "From Homefront to Battlefield, Lebanon in WWII" at…
Sept 29: 35th Annual Outdoor Antiques Show, Lebanon Green, Rte 207 at 87, Lebanon, 10 am-4 pm rain or shine, adm Nov3 ###free parking), 100+ dealers, special exhibit âFrom Homefront to Battlefield, Lebanon in WWIIâ at adjacent Lebanon Hist Scty Museum 11:33 A11/P11 Visitors Center.Sept 29-30: Depression Era Glass Show 11:33 A11/P11 Sale, K of C Hall Hall, 263 Center St, West Haven, Sat 10 am-4 pm, Sun 10 am-3 pm, adm Nov4.50.Sept 29-30: Fall Hartford Antiques Show, CT Expo Center, Jennings Rd, Hartford ###**NOTE: show originally scheduled at CT State Armory, has been moved for security reasons), Sat 10 am-5 pm, Sun 10 am-4 pm, adm Nov8 ###free parking), 50± dealers; 207-767-3967. Sept 29-30: 2nd Annual Antiques Appraisal 11:33 A11/P11 Auction Weekend, Kellogg School, Main St, Falls Village, appraisals Sat 10 am-4 pm, Nov10/1st item, Nov5/each addtâl item, written appraisals from experts in areas of glass, porcelain, pottery, photography, painting, books, etc ###call for complete categories list), auction Sun 11 am of consigned 11:33 A11/P11 donated items ###preview 9-11 am), **not necessary to consign items into auction; 860-824-0131.Sept 29-30: Guilford Book Sale, Guilford Free Library, 67 park St, Guilford, Sat 9 am-3 pm, Sun 11 am-3 pm, 20,000+ books in 35 categories; 203-453-8282.Oct 5-7: 15th Annual Washington Antiques Show, Bryan Memorial Town Hall, Rte 47, Washington Depot, Thurs ###gala preview party) 6:30-9:30 pm ###tickets Nov75), Sat 10 am-6 pm, Sun 11 am-5 pm, dealers from around the country participating, light lunch/refreshments available; 868-868-0780.550 Gallery, BCM Building, 550 Main St So, Bethlehem. Hours Sat-Sun 1-5 pm, Mon-Fri by appt. Call 203-266-6990.Through Sept 30, âRogues Rendezvous,â new work by 14 gallery artists  a/k/a The Rogues  who have spent the summer creating at various locations around the area, works in oil, pastels, watercolors, pen 11:33 A11/P11 ink, pencil, 11:33 A11/P11 photography.Burnham Library, Rte 133, Bridgewater. Hours: Tues 1-5 pm, Wed 9 am-6 pm, Th 9 am-5 pm, Sat 9 am-1 pm. Call 354-6937.Through Sept 30, âBridgewater Artists: A to Z,â works in various mediums by 30± local artists.*###new show) Oct 1-31, photographs of Norman Rockwell taken by Brookfield photographer Garry Camp Burdick, works date back 30 yrs; Oct 7, opening reception, 2-4 pm.Gregory James Gallery, 16 Bridge St, New Milford. Hours: Mon, Wed 11:33 A11/P11 Fri 10 am-6 pm, Thurs 10 am-8 pm, Sat 10 am-5 pm, Sun 11 am-4 pm. Call 860-354-3436.*###new show) Oct 6-Nov 25, âImpressions of the Wild,â new large oils, conté crayon 11:33 A11/P11 pencil drawings by award-winning wildlife artist John Swatsley.Grey Horse Gallery, 3 Washington Ave/Rte 34 ###in old Masonic Temple, 1st floor; behind St Johnâs Episcopal Church), Sandy Hook. Hours: Tues-Sat 10:30 am-4:30 pm. Call 270-1199.Permanent display of works by Dick McEvoy, Ken Evans, et al.Military Museum of Southern New England, 125 Park Ave, Danbury. Hours: Fri-Sat 10 am-5 pm, Sun 12-5 pm. Call 790-9277.Permanent life-size interior dioramas w/ major military vehicles, extensive outdoor displays, also âNames on the Wallâ computer program to help locate names on Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC.Minor Memorial Library, 23 South St, Roxbury. Call 860-350-2181.*###new show) Sept 29-Nov 7, paintings by Plonia Nixon incl watercolors, collages, pastels, acrylics 11:33 A11/P11 graphics reflecting artistâs Dutch heritage 11:33 A11/P11 influence of 17th Century painters in Holland; Sept 29, opening reception, 12-2 pm.Ridgefield Library, 472 Main St/Rte 35, Ridgefield. Call 203-438-2282.Through Sept 30, âPlace of Rest,â photographs 11:33 A11/P11 poetry by John Ulatowski that inspire 11:33 A11/P11 recall the sensation of peace 11:33 A11/P11 relaxation.*###new show) Oct 1-31, photos by members of The Photographersâ Round Table; Oct 14, opening/artistsâ reception ###open to public), 1:30-5 pm, public invited to enjoy show 11:33 A11/P11 meet some of the photograhers represented.Thirteen Gallery, 13 Library Place, Danbury. Hours: Tues-Fr 7-10 pm, Sat-Sun 12-4 pm, 11:33 A11/P11 by appt. Call 790-6754.*###new show) Oct 5-Nov 3, âPlayful Photographs: The Works of Meghan Scanlon,â Ms Scanlonâs photos of nude friends 11:33 A11/P11 acquaintances incl large scale color photos 11:33 A11/P11 trade show display lightboxes, all inspired by classical portraiture 11:33 A11/P11 lush aestheticism; Oct 5, opening reception, 7-10 pm.Through Sept 30, âGrounded,â first major show of photographs by Lysbeth Guillorn, large ###4x5) digital prints 11:33 A11/P11 traditional black 11:33 A11/P11 white prints created in sev formats incl 35 mm, Brownie, medium- 11:33 A11/P11 large-format shots w/ available light.Through Sept 30, first major exhibition of photos by David Haislip, black 11:33 A11/P11 white photos ###35 mm shot w/ available light) incl street-style portraits 11:33 A11/P11 still lifes.Washington Art Association, Bryant Plaza, Washington Depot. Hours: Mon-Sat 10 am-5 pm ###closed Wed), Sun 2-5 pm. Call 860-868-2878.*###new show) Sept 29-Oct 21, âPosters: The Collection of Daniel J. Leab,â advertising, motion picture 11:33 A11/P11 political posters; Sept 29, opening reception, 3-5 pm.Weir Farm National Historic Site, 735 Nod Hill Rd, Wilton. Hours: Wed-Sun 8:30 am-5 pm. Call 203-834-1896.*###new show) Oct 3-Nov 25, âArtists At Weir Farm: Michael Torlen,â monotypes 11:33 A11/P11 mixed media works by Mr Torlen, interpretations 11:33 A11/P11 transformations that incorporate digital 11:33 A11/P11 photographic technologies w/ handwork. Yale University Art Gallery, 1111 Chapel St at York, New Haven. Hours: Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm, Sun 1-6 pm. Masterpiece Tours of Permanent Collection every Sat 1:30 pm, Sun 3 pm. Call 203-432-0600.*###new show) Sept 28-Dec 30, âRediscovering Fra Angelico: A Fragmentary History,â previously separated panels of altarpiece by the Renaissance master Fra Angelico ###1395-1455) brought together for special presentation resulting from investigations begin in early 1990s.*###new show) Oct 2-Dec 9, âThe Art of Mu Xin  Landscape Paintings and Prison Notes,â works created while the artist was imprisoned during Cultural Revolution ###1966-76) 11:33 A11/P11 its immediate aftermath incl 2 series each w/ 33 ink 11:33 A11/P11 gouache landscape paintings 11:33 A11/P11 66 ###total) inscribed sheets, virtually only surviving works that predate artistâs immigration to US in 1982; Oct 4, âChinese Landscape Paintings at the End of Time,â 5:30-6:30 pm, lecture by Prof Richard M. Barnhart; Oct 4, museum-wide celebration, 6:30-7:30 pm, reception in sculpture hall 11:33 A11/P11 music in galleries.Through Oct 7, âContemporary Design by Yale Alumni,â 11 objects exploring properties of different industrial materials 11:33 A11/P11 contemporary design challenges in recent work by men 11:33 A11/P11 women who graduated from Yale Univ incl the model of a table destined for the International Space Station.Sept 29: Theatre Pipe Organ Pops Concert, Shelton High School, 120 meadow St, Shelton, 7:30 pm, tickets Nov10 adults/adv, Nov12/door, students Nov5, free age 10 11:33 A11/P11 under, performance by organist Dave Wickerham; 203-929-4822.Oct 5: Organ recital by Bruce Neswick, Trinity Episcopal Church, 30 Main St/Rte 25, Newtown, 7:30 pm, free adm ###contributions will benefit Music at Trinity), nationally recognized concert organist will continue commemoration ceremonies for 20th anniv of Trinityâs Austin organ; 426-9070.Oct 5-6: âA Celebration of the Arts,â Brookfield Playhouse, Rte 25, Brookfield Center, 8 pm both nights, tickets Nov10, evening of music, dance, art, poetry 11:33 A11/P11 imagination featuring dancers Michael Burnett 11:33 A11/P11 Jill Hancock, vocalist Sharon Ruchman, vocalist Lori Anne Tyson Volpe, artist Peter Frisbie, poet Nick Jacobs, hand bells performer Joanne Spring, imagist Dawyne Verstandig, and rock band featuring 12-yr-olds; 775-0023.Oct 6: NUMC Coffee House, Newtown United Methodist Church, 92 Church Hill Rd, Sandy Hook, 7:45-10:45 pm, adm Nov4 ###or Nov3 if staying after Pasta Dinner earlier that evening), bluegrass music 11:33 A11/P11 other styles led by Roger Sprung, et al, choice of desserts, soft drinks/coffee; 426-9998.Oct 6: The Josephine Marsh Band at Newtown Meeting House, 31 Main St/Rte 25, Newtown, 8 pm, tickets Nov15, children Nov5, reservations strongly suggested, performance of Irish music featuring band direct from County Clare, Ireland, incl one of worldâs premier button accordionists ###Miss Marsh), also Declan Corey on mandolin 11:33 A11/P11 bouzouki, Paul OâDriscoll n double bass 11:33 A11/P11 Tommy Carew on vocals 11:33 A11/P11 guitar, sponsored by Shamrock Traditional Irish Music Scty; 203-256-8453.Oct 6: âHit Songs from Broadway Musicalsâ concert, Danbury Music Centre, 256 Main St, Danbury, 8 pm, free performance by soprano Rebecca Nesmith 11:33 A11/P11 baritone Winthrop Buswell w/ pianist Marcia Klebanow will incl favorites from Porgy and Bess, Oklahoma11, Guys and Dolls, etc; 748-1716.Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, 258 Main St, Ridgefield. Call 203-438-4519.Stage A Performance, eclectic music 11:33 A11/P11 multi-media series showcase, performances 7 pm, tickets Nov30: Sept 28, pianist 11:33 A11/P11 composer Fred Hersch.Armstrong Chamber Concerts. Call 860-868-0522.Performances at First Congregational Church, Rte 47/On the Green, Washington, concerts Sat 5 pm, Nov20 ###series tickets available): Oct 6, works of Mozart, Irving Fine, Vincent Persichetti, Saint Saens 11:33 A11/P11 Roussel will be performed by violinist Helen Armstrong, flutist Eugenia Zukerman, harpist Nancy Allen, violist Karen Dreyfus 11:33 A11/P11 cellist Daniel Domb.Philharmonia Orchestra of Yale, Woolsey Hall/Sprague Memorial Hall, 470 College St, New Haven. Music conductor 11:33 A11/P11 director is Lawrence Leighton Smith. Call 203-432-4157.Performances 8 pm, free unless indicated ###free pre-concert conversations w/ conductors 11:33 A11/P11 other special guests, 7 pm, Parker Hall ###435 College St, 4th floor): Sept 29, season opener ###call for program).Waterbury Symphony Orchestra, Naugatuck Valley Comm-Tech College Fine Arts Center, 750 Chase Pkwy, Waterbury. Call 203-574-4283.Tickets Nov18-Nov40, student 11:33 A11/P11 senior discounts available ###subscriptions available), Sat 8:15 pm, Sun 3 pm: Sept 29-30, âNew Century Strauss,â guest pianist Susan Starr will join WSO for performance of Brahmsâ Piano Concerto No 1, program will also incl Straussâ Also Spracht Zarathustra 11:33 A11/P11 Monteverdiâs Vespro della Beata Vergine.Bethel Cinema, 269 Greenwood Ave, Bethel. Call 778-2100.Sept 28-Oct 4: American Rhapsody ###PG-13), daily 6:50 pm, mat Sat-Sun, Wed 1:30 pm; Dinner Rush ###NR), daily 5:30, 7:35 11:33 A11/P11 9:45 pm, mat Sat-Sun, Wed 1:20 11:33 A11/P11 3:25 pm; Happy Accidents ###R), daily 9:25 pm, mat Sat-Sun, Wed 2:55 PM; Innocence ###NR), daily 5:10 11:33 A11/P11 7:15 pm, mat Sat-Sun, Wed 1 pm; Together ###NR), daily 9:15 pm, mat Sat-Sun, Wed 4 pm; Tortilla Soup ###R), daily 5:20, 7:25 11:33 A11/P11 9:35 pm, mat Sat-Sun, Wed 1:10 11:33 A11/P11 3:15 pm.Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown. Call 426-2475.Sept 28-Oct 4: Captain Corelliâs Mandolin ###R), Fri-Sat 7 11:33 A11/P11 9:20 pm, Sun-Thurs 7:30 pm, mat Sat-Sun 1 11:33 A11/P11 3:45 pm.Yale Center for British Art, 1080 Chapel St ###at High St), New Haven. Call 203-432-2800.âBritish Film: American Favoritesâ series, screenings 2 pm, free: Sept 29, The Lady Vanishes; Oct 6, Fires Were Started and A Diary for Timothy.Sept 29: âEcology Kids,â The Mattatuck Museum, 144 West Main St, Waterbury, 10:30 am-noon, Nov5, kids ages 7-12 invited to get hands wet 11:33 A11/P11 âexploreâ Long Island Sound through watershed models compared to paintings in current exhibition âJohn Frederick kensettâs Connecticutâ; 203-753-0382.Tarrywile Park 11:33 A11/P11 Mansion, 70 Southern Blvd, Danbury. Call 744-3130.Magic Story Hour series, 11 am-noon, free program w/ story teller Joyce Marie Rayno offers preschoolers 11:33 A11/P11 parents/guardians the chance to use their imaginations while hearing stories: next program Oct 3.Sept 28: Author Laura Pappano at WCSUâs Ruth A. Haas Library, 181 Main St, Danbury, 7 pm, free program by Boston Globe columnist 11:33 A11/P11 author of The Connnection Gap: Why Americans Feel So Alone will discuss her book 11:33 A11/P11 lead discussion of issues it raises.Sept 29: Christ the King Lutheran Fall Fair, Mt Pleasant Rd at Tory La, Newtown, 9 am-3 pm, free adm, crafts, tag sale, cookie walk, baked goods, lunch available.Sept 29: NUMC Family Fun 11:33 A11/P11 Crafts Fair, Newtown United Methodist Church, 92 Church Hill Rd, Sandy Hook, 10 am-4 pm, free adm, refreshments, balloon sculpture by Jacqueline Goncalves, games 11:33 A11/P11 crafts for children, also moon bounce, silent auction, crafts sale, baked goods sale, proceeds benefit the church; 426-0522.Sept 29: Audubon Scty Perimeter Hike, Bent of the River Audubon Center, 185 East Flat Hill Rd, South Britain, begins 9 am, free 6-mile hike sponsored by Lillinonah Audubon Scty will go around edges of South Britain property, led by center director John Longstreth, wear sturdy boots, bring binoculars if possible, call if questionable weather; 264-9502.Sept 29: Book signing w/ Kathleen Norris 11:33 A11/P11 Tomie dePaola, The Monastic Book Shop, Abbey of Regina Laudis, Flanders Rd, Bethlehem, 10-11:30 am, authors of The Holy Twins will welcome readers of all ages; 203-226-7637.Sept 29-30: 16th Annual Fall Festival of CT Antique Machinery Assn, Inc., CT Antique Machinery Museum, Rte 7, Kent, 10 am-4 pm both days, adm Nov4 adults, Nov2 children, fre age 5 11:33 A11/P11 under, tours of Cream Hill Agricultural School, interpretive exhibits inside museum building, farm tractors display, also large engine collection on display, food 11:33 A11/P11 beverages incl Engineersâ Steam-Cooked Soup; 860-927-0050.Sept 29-30: 5th Annual Native American Art Festival, Ballard Park, Main St/Rte 35, Ridgefield, 10 am-6 pm rain or shine, adm Nov5, Nov3 seniors 11:33 A11/P11 ages 6-12, free age 5 11:33 A11/P11 under, fine art show 11:33 A11/P11 sale, cultural presentations incl teepee raising ###10:15 each day), Zuni blessing, childrenâs crafts corner, Native American legends 11:33 A11/P11 story telling, Allegany River Dancers performances, Native American foods; 207-3809.Sept 30: Open mic poetry performances, C.H. Booth Library meeting room, 25 Main St/Rte 25, Newtown, 2 pm, all high school students and adult writers welcome to perform original or favorite poems, all ages welcome to enjoy readings; 426-4533.Sept 30: Book signing 11:33 A11/P11 garland making w/ Tovah Martin, Glebe House Museum and Gertrude Jekyll Garden, Hollow Rd, Woodbury, 3 pm, free participatory program w/ author of A Time To Blossom⦠Mothers, Daughters and Flowers; 203-263-2855.Sept 30-Oct 2: Wings Of Freedom Tour at Oxford Airport, off Rte 188, Oxford, planes arrive Sun 3 pm, static displays 11:33 A11/P11 flights Mon 8 am-6 pm, planes depart Tues noon, visitors can take tours of B-24 âDragon and His Tailâ ###only flying 11:33 A11/P11 restored B-24 left in world) and orig B-17 âNine-O-Nineâ ###flew 140 combat missions 11:33 A11/P11 never lost a crewman), both planes completely restored to 1944-45 combat configurations w/ all equipment incl bombs, guns, radios, turrets, etc; 203-938-2338.Oct 1: âHow Tick-Safe Is Your Backyard?â program, The Fireside Inn, 123 Main St South/Rte 25, Newtown, 7-8:30 pm, free program will feautre Kirby C. Stafford, PhD, chief scientist for CT Department of Forestry 11:33 A11/P11 Horticulture, discussing tick bite prevention including landscape management, wildlife management and safe use of pesticides, co-sponsored by Newtown Rotary Club and Newtown Lyme Disease Task Force.Oct 1: BookTalk program, Southbury Public Library, 561 Main St South, Southbury, 2 pm, free, Judy Lundberg will lead discussion concerning Leonard Shlainâs The Alphabet Vs The Goddess, prior reading encouraged but not required to participate; 264-1716, 262-6123.Oct 3: âPutting Your Garden To Bedâ garden workshop, Glebe House Museum and Gertrude Jekyll Garden, Hollow Rd, Woodbury, 9:30 am-12:30 pm ###workshop will be repeated, during same hours, Oct 6), Nov25, master gardener Judith Kelz will discuss dividing perennials, preparing tools for storage 11:33 A11/P11 other tasks necessary to clean up 11:33 A11/P11 prepare gardens for winter, registration suggested; 203-263-2855.Oct 3: âA Soldierâs Story,â East Hill Woods Arbor Auditorium, 611 East Hill Rd, Southbury, 7:15 pm, free one-man dramatic presentation based on true story of man whose life was changed when Pearl Harbor was attacked, starring Bud Jenkyns; 262-6161.Oct 4: Art Auction, St Thomas Episcopal Church Parish Hall, 95 Greenwood Ave/Rte 302, Bethel, preview 6:30 pm, auction begins 7:30, adm Nov10/adv, Nov15/door, featuring art in all media 11:33 A11/P11 price ranges, refreshments/hors dâoeuvres, credit cards accepted, sale conducted by Marlin Fine Auctions 11:33 A11/P11 Creative Events; 743-1494.Oct 5-6: âA Celebration of the Arts,â Brookfield Playhouse, Rte 25, Brookfield Center, 8 pm both nights, tickets Nov10, evening of music, dance, art, poetry 11:33 A11/P11 imagination featuring dancers Michael Burnett 11:33 A11/P11 Jill Hancock, vocalist Sharon Ruchman, vocalist Lori Anne Tyson Volpe, artist Peter Frisbie, poet Nick Jacobs, hand bells performer Joanne Spring, imagist Dawyne Verstandig, and rock band featuring 12-yr-olds; 775-0023.Oct 6: Monthly Pasta Project Dinner, Newtown United Methodist Church, 92 Church Hill Rd, Sandy Hook, 5-7:30 pm, adm Nov8 adults, Nov7 seniors, Nov3.50 children, full spaghetti dinner w/ choices of sauce, garlic bread, salad, desserts 11:33 A11/P11 soft drinks; 426-9998.Oct 6: âPutting Your Garden To Bedâ garden workshop, Glebe House Museum and Gertrude Jekyll Garden, Hollow Rd, Woodbury, 9:30 am-12:30 pm, Nov25, master gardener Judith Kelz will discuss dividing perennials, preparing tools for storage 11:33 A11/P11 other tasks necessary to clean up 11:33 A11/P11 prepare gardens for winter, registration suggested; 203-263-2855.Oct 6: 2nd Annual Harvest Crafts Fair, Southbury Green Shopping Center, Main St South, Southbury, 10 am-4 pm, free adm, holiday 11:33 A11/P11 seasonal crafts by area crafters, also florals, dolls, jewelry, etc, door prizes; 749-0863, 877-851-0864.Oct 6: âIrish Genealogy,â Brookfield Hist Scty museum, Rte 25 at 133, Brookfield Center, 10 am-4 pm, Nov5, bring bag lunch, participants will work w/ museumâs computer programs of New England Historic Genealogical Records of 1847-1994, Social Security Death Index ###1937-1880), US Census ###1880), 11:33 A11/P11 passenger 11:33 A11/P11 immigration lists ###1538-1940) in search of Irish ancestors; 740-8140.Oct 6: 18th Annual Immanuel Lutheran Church Chicken BBQ, churchâs hall, 25 Great Hill Rd ###off Rte 67), Oxford, 4:30-7 pm, tickets Nov8 adults, Nov4 ages 12 11:33 A11/P11 undeer, reservations suggested, full chicken dinner w/ corn, potato, salad, dessert 11:33 A11/P11 beverages, proceeds benefit Immanuel Native American Project 2002; 203-888-4713.Oct 6-7: Friends of Danbury Library Book Sale, **note location: at WCSU Warner Hall, 181 White St, Danbury, Sat 9 am-5 pm ###early buying 8 am, Nov10 adm), Sun 10 am-4 pm, free adm, thousands of books in 13 categories, also videos, CDs, books on tape 11:33 A11/P11 records; 796-8061.Oct 6-8: 15th Annual Merwinsville Hotel Arts 11:33 A11/P11 Crafts Show, 1 Brownâs Forge Rd, Gaylordsville, 10 am-5 pm daily,, free adm, proceeds benefit Merwinsville Hotel Restoration; 860-350-4443.Oct 6-8: Adeptus Artsâ Second Annual Open Studio Exhibit, 31 Keeler Rd, Bridgewater, 10 am-5 pm daily, free adm, studio-owner Timothy Hochstetter will offer live demos of glass blowing 11:33 A11/P11 metal sculpting; 860-355-1363.Oct 7: Flanders Nature Center 11:33 A11/P11 Land Trust âFall Festival 2001,â at nature center, Flanders Rd, Woodbury, 10 am-4 pm, adm Nov6 adults, Nov3 ages 6-12, fre age 5 11:33 A11/P11 under, The Magic of Peter James ###10:15 am), live music by Sirius Coyote ###11:30), family performers Jam Sandwich ###2:30), all-day hayrides, arts 11:33 A11/P11 crafts, pumpkin picking, leaf rubbing, apple bobbing, visit live farm animals, etc; 203-263-3711.Oct 7: No Kidding11 Walk and Wine Tasting, McLaughlin Vineyards, Alberts Hill Road, Sandy Hook, 3-6 pm, Nov15, area childless singles ###by choice or chance) invited to join local group with international chapters for opportunity to meet and socialize with similar singles, 90-minute walk around vineyard will be followed by wine tastings and hors dâoeuvres, reservations necessary; 270-1284.Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, 258 Main St, Ridgefield. Call 203-438-4519.Adult Programs: Oct 10, Brown Bag Lunch Tour, 11 am-1 pm, Nov3 11:33 A11/P11 bring bag lunch, tour current exhibitions âJordan Tinker: Caudatowan 1986â 11:33 A11/P11 âBest of the Season: Selected Works from ⦠Manhattanâ then enjoy lunch 11:33 A11/P11 discussion in Leir Gallery w/ Aldrich docents, staff 11:33 A11/P11 other participants.Barnes 11:33 A11/P11 Noble Booksellers, Danbury Square, 15 Backus Ave, Danbury. Call 730-2733.Free programs: Oct 4, Second Annual Worldâs Largest Writing Workshop, 7 pm, childrenâs author Joan Verniero will offer tips on writing for children 11:33 A11/P11 lead writing exercise,workshop is taking place in all Barnes 11:33 A11/P11 Noble stores across nation on same day 11:33 A11/P11 time. ent of the River Audubon Center, 185 East Flat Hill Rd, Southbury. Call 264-5098.Free programs unless noted, reservations requested, call any time weather is questionable: Sept 29, Perimeter Hike, 9 am, approx 6-mile hike co-hosted by Lillinonah Audubon Scty around centerâs property incl new trail cut by Boy Scouts, wear sturdy books; Sept 30, Night Walk, 8 pm, strong moon will help lead searchfor screech owls 11:33 A11/P11 smaller birds, bring binoculars, walk will only be held if sky is clear ###call if unsure); Oct 6, âBirds, Leaves and Tracks: A Nature Walk,â 9 am, ramble through woods 11:33 A11/P11 fields to watch for changing foliage, migrating birds, mammals active in feeding to prepare for winter, wear sturdy boots, bring binoculars if possible.Devilâs Den Preserve, 33 Pent Rd, Weston. Call 226-4991.All events free, reservations required: Sept 29, mushroom walk, 9:30 am-noon, bring magnifying lens, led by members of CT/Westchester Mycological Assn; Sept 30, âRambler to Ambler,â 1-3 pm, guided hike will discover streams, waterfalls, Ambler vista 11:33 A11/P11 changing autumn colors; Oct 4, âHawk Watch,â 9:30-11:30 am, walk to lookout at Deer Knoll 11:33 A11/P11 observe birds of prey incl ###hopefully) Kestrels 11:33 A11/P11 Sharp-Skinned Hawks, bring book ID book 11:33 A11/P11 binoculars if poss ###pull-out birding brochure will be available for Nov1), wear sturdy boots. Kismet, at DownTime OnLine Café, 4 Ives St, Danbury. Call 778-0220, 264-2537.Meetings of people âcoming together having discussions, speakers, music, sharing of events in the area, to soar through the journey of life,â 7:30-9:30 pm every other Wed: Oct 3, presentation by Shamanic practitioner Heather Cumming of video Healings by Joao De Deus ###John of God).Merwinsville Hotel, 1 Brownâs Forge Rd, Gaylordsville. Call 860-350-4443.Hotel is open for guided tours Sun 2-4 through Sept, free ca 1843 building is only remaining railroad hotel east of Mississippi, on Natâl Register of Historic Places, saved from destruction by volunteers.Newtown Hikers. Call 426-2897, 270-4340.Hikes leave from lower lot @Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main St, Newtown, 9 am, free, all welcome, bring bag lunch/beverage, wear sturdy shoes, destinations as follows ###call hike leader if weather doubtful): Sept 29, Spruce Brook Ravine, Naugatuck ###Tim Hanbury, 203-888-3025); Oct 6, Kettletown State Park, Southbury ###Hugh Findlay, 203-268-5198); Oct 13, Sleeping Giant Quinnipiac Trail, Hamden ###Jim Gertz, 203-888-4657).Newtown Scottish Country Dancers, sessions at Hawley School, 29 Church Hill Rd, Newtown. Call 203-938-2881.Group meets each Mon 7 pm for weekly dancing 11:33 A11/P11 instruction, soft-soled shoes required, all levels of dancers welcome, partners not required, affiliated w/ Royal Scottish Country Dance Society in Edinburgh, Scotland.Newtown VNA Thrift Shop, Edmond Town Hall ###lower level), 45 Main Street, Newtown. Call 270-4377.Shop is open every Wed 12-3 pm 11:33 A11/P11 Sat 9 am-noon, access is from town hallâs back parking lot ###separate door for thrift shop), shop carries discounted items from local businesses 11:33 A11/P11 private donors incl clothing 11:33 A11/P11 sm home accessories, etc.Quick Center for the Arts, at Fairfield Univ, North Benson Rd, Fairfield. Call 203-254-4010.Open Visions Forum Series, lectures by guest speakers, tickets Nov15, Nov10 seniors, Nov5 students: Oct 1, author Howard Means ###Money and Power: The History of Business, 7:30 pm.Ridgefield Library, 472 Main St, Ridgefield. Call 203-438-2282.Free programs: Oct 2, Non-Fiction Book Group meeting, 7 pm, discussion of Stephen Ambroseâs Undaunter Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson and the Opening of the American West; Tarrywile Park 11:33 A11/P11 Mansion, 70 Southern Blvd, Danbury. Call 744-3130.Guided Hike Series, 10 am, free hikes led by park ranger Gino Furio to different in-park destinations, heavy rain cancels, all ages welcome: Sept 29, introductory hike around parkâs pond, over easy terrain, approx 1 hour; Sept 30, foliage walk to beacon, some difficult terrain, approx 2 hours.Wednesday Night Poetry Series, Bethel Arts Junction, 5 Depot Place ###in former railroad station bldg), Bethel. Call 426-3388 ###Faith Vicinanza), 270-6202 ###Michael Seri), 748-2828 ###BAJ).Series presented ev Wed 7:30-10 pm ###doors open 7 pm, featured poets 8:30 pm, poetry workshop 9:15 pm), adm Nov1 ###Nov3 if out-of-state or major guest poet), guest/featured poets as follows: Oct 3, Helen Trubek Glenn; Oct 10, New York City poet 11:33 A11/P11 pioneer performance artist Chocolate Waters.Country Players of Brookfield, Rte 25 ###next to library), Brookfield Center, Call 775-0023.Exit The Body, through Sept 29, curtain Fri-Sat 8 pm, tickets Nov10.Downtown Cabaret Theatre, 263 Golden Hill St, Bridgeport. Call 203-576-1636.Smokey Joeâs Café, through Oct 21, Fri 8 pm, Sat 5:30 11:33 A11/P11 8:30 pm, Sun 5:30 pm, tickets Nov28 11:33 A11/P11 Nov30 ###senior discount for mat performances, tickets Nov20), group discounts also available.Goodspeed Opera House, Rte 82, East Haddam. Call 860-873-8668.They All Laughed11 The New Gershwin Musical, through Sept 28, curtain Wed-Thurs 7:30 pm, Fri 8 pm, Sat 8:30 pm, Sun 6:30 pm, mat Wed 11:33 A11/P11 Sun 2 pm, Sat 4 pm, tickets Nov22-Nov44.A Little Night Music, Sept 28 Dec 16, curtain Wed-Thurs 7:30, Fri 8 pm, Sat 8:30 pm, Sun 6:30 pm, mat Wed 11:33 A11/P11 Sun 2 pm, Sat 4 pm, tickets Nov22-Nov44; Oct 25, Backstage at Goodspeed, post-performance discussion w/ cast; Nov 8, Backstage at Goodspeed, post-performance discussion w/ cast; Dec 6, Backstage at Goodspeed, post-performance discussion w/ cast.Ridgefield Theatre Barn, 37 Halpin La, Ridgefield. Call 203-431-9850.Baby, through Oct 6, curtain Fri-Sat 8 pm, tickets Nov15, Nov12 students 11:33 A11/P11 seniors. Seven Angels Theatre, Hamilton Park Pavilion, Plank Rd, Waterbury. Call 203-757-4676.The Fantasticks, Sept 27-Oct 21, curtain Thurs-Sat 8 pm, mat Thurs, Sat-Sun 2 pm, tickets Nov23-Nov35.On Stage II ###community theatre): Sherman Players, Sherman Playhouse, Rte 37 at 39, Sherman. Call 860-355-3622.Hay Fever, Sept 28-Oct 20, curtain Fri-Sat 8 pm ###note change from regular curtain time; also open seating for this production), mat ###Sun, Oct 14) 2 pm, tickets Nov14 adults, Nov12 students 11:33 A11/P11 seniors; Sept 28, opening night wine/cheese party, 7:15.TheatreWorks New Milford, 5 Brookside Ave, New Milford. Call 860-350-6863.Never Swim Alone and This Is A Play, through Oct 13, curtain Fri-Sat 8 pm, tickets Nov15, Nov13 seniors 11:33 A11/P11 students.Town Players of Newtown, Little Theatre, theatre is on Orchard Hill Rd ###mailing address is PO Box 211), Newtown. Call 270-9144.The Weir, through Sept 29, curtain Fri-Sat 8 pm, all seats Nov10.Yale Repertory Theatre Co., University Theatre, 222 York St, New Haven. Call 203-432-1234.You Never Can Tell, through Oct 13, curtain Tues-Sat 8 pm, Mon 7 pm, mat Sat 2 pm, also ###Wed) Oct 10 at 2 pm, tickets Nov22-Nov39; Oct 1 11:33 A11/P11 Oct 8, Pay-What-You-Can performances; Sept 29, Family Dollar Matinee, kids tickets Nov1, also free pre-show lunch from Atticus Bookstore Café; Sept 29, Re:Play, post-show discussion w/ artistic team; Oct 12, American Sign Language interpreted performance ###TDD 800-842-9710).*******************Events that appear by date have Newtown events listed first, with additional events listed by their start time. At the time of printing, the information here is accurate as presented; a call ahead is always a good idea to be safe.DEADLINE INFORMATIONPress releases for the Enjoy calendar of events or the Enjoy section must be received by MONDAY NOON for publication in that weekâs edition of The Newtown Bee. Send to the attention of Shannon Hicks, Arts Editor, Newtown Bee, 5 Church Hill Road, Newtown 06470, or to Photos are welcome and can be black 11:33 A11/P11 white or color prints; please call for details concerning photo files to be emailed.