Master Gardener Classes To Be Offered
Master Gardener Classes To Be Offered
The University of Connecticut Cooperative Extension System is now accepting applications for the Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Program for 2002. The objective of the program is to provide horticultural training to individuals who have gardening interest/experience, wish to expand their current information base, and share this knowledge with the public.
The program is broad-based, intensive, and consists of 13 class sessions (one full day per week) beginning in early January 2002. The Master Gardener program includes 125 hours of training â 65 hours of class and 60 hours of volunteer service, with a minimum of 30 hours spent in Cooperative Extension Centers during business hours.
Individuals successfully completing the program will receive a University of Connecticut Cooperative Extension Master Gardener certificate. The charge for the program is $295, which includes a training manual. Scholarships may be available, based on demonstrated financial need.
Classes will be held in Bethel, Haddam, Torrington, Stamford, and Vernon. For more information or an application, call the Litchfield County Cooperative Extension Center at 860-626-6240 or the UConn Home and Garden Education Center, toll-free at 877-486-6271. The postmarked deadline for applications is Friday, October 12.